Small Business Management & Strategies
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1 Explain the orientation to small business.
2 What are ingredients of success ? Explain.
3 Explain the issues facing small business in 21st century.
4 Explain the issues related to faculty planning in SSI.
5 Explain the compensation planning and financing the SME.
6 Write a note on Exit rout for SME’s or extact money from a business
7 Expalin the concept of small Business Ownership vs Entrepreneurship
8 What are the schemes of financial assistance to SSI.
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Q.No 1: Expalin the state aid to industries act.
Q.No 2: Expalin in details the strategic planning for small business
Q.No 3: Expalin the analysis of financial ratios.
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1. Small and Medium Enterprise represnt………………… of all industrial units in india
(A): 85
(B): 75
(C): 60
(D): 50
2. Micro, SME currently contribute around ………………. of the national GDP
(A): 45
(B): 75
(C): 60
(D): 50
3. what is/are traditional industries
(A): Handicrafts
(B): Handlooms
(C): Sericulture
(D): All the above
4. what is/are the charaterstices od SSI
(A): Capital investiment is small
(B): Most have fewer than 10 workers
(C): Located in rural and semi urban araes
(D): all of the above
5. Which industry is not coming in the category of SSI
(A): Leather footwear
(B): Steel Industry
(C): Locks
(D): Electronics
6. What is/are ingrediants of sucess
(A): Spontaneity
(B): Risk Taking
(C): Foresight
(D): all of the above
7. small scale enterprise is the beehive of …………….
(A): Entrepreneurship
(B): innovation
(C): growth & innovation
(D): all of the above
8. ……………… is beautiful, but what is really beautiful is the appropriate scale.
(A): small
(B): large
(C): medium
(D): big
9. what is/are imporatnce of small enterprises ?
(A): small is beautiful
(B): Innovative and productive
(C): Individual tastes
(D): all of the above
10. The smal enterprises are more …………..than the giants, but are highly vulnerable to anyy setback.
(A): Flexible
(B): Rigid
(C): Dynamic
(D): None of them
11. The problems follow the entrepreneurship like a …………..
(A): shadow
(B): seller
(C): buyer
(D): sensex
12. what is/are the major external problems and issues of SSI
(A): indentification of industrial projects for development
(B): project preparation and evaluation
(C): consultancy and counselling services
(D): all of the above
13. what is/are the mojor internal problems of SSI
(A): quality
(B): marketing
(C): inadequate finance
(D): all of the above
14. ……………. from the SME sector have witnessed unprecedented growth since the turm of the new millenium
(A): export
(B): import
(C): trade
(D): mechanization
15. what is/are the major external probelms of SSI
(A): Entrepreneurship development
(B): industrial training and skill promotion
(C): quality control and testing facilities
(D): all of the above
16. what is/ are the major internal problems of SSI
(A): choice of an idea
(B): feeble structure
(C): faculty palnning
(D): all of the above
17. what is/are the problems faced by SSI in marketing
(A): Lack of standardization
(B): poor desigining
(C): poor quality
(D): all of the above
18. what is/are the problems faced by SSI in marketing
(A): lack of quality control
(B): lack of precision
(C): poor finish
(D): all of the above
19. ………… is a key input of production, distribution and development
(A): Finance
(B): Marketing
(C): Human Resorce
(D): Production
20. Finance is a key input of
(A): Oroduction
(B): Distribution
(C): Development
(D): All of the above
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21. ……….. is life blood of company
(A): Finance
(B): Marketing
(C): HUman Resource
(D): Production
22. Medium term finance may be raised by
(A): issue of shares
(B): issue of debenture
(C): Borrowing from banks
(D): all of the above
23. What is/are the important sources of long term finance
(A): issue of shares
(B): issue of debenture
(C): Loan from financial institutions
(D): all of the above
24. what is/are short term sources of finance
(A): Bank Credit
(B): Trade credit
(C): Installment credit
(D): all of the above
25. What is/are medium term sources of finance
(A): Issue of share
(B): issue of debenture
(C): Loans from finacial insttitutions
(D): all of the above
26. what is/are paid up capital
(A): ordinary shares
(B): preference shares
(C): deferred shares
(D): all of the above
27. what is/are reserved surplus
(A): capital resrve
(B): developmentt rebate reserve
(C): both a & b
(D): none of the above
28. what is/are the main criteria of finance
(A): production
(B): employment generation
(C): modernization
(D): all of the above
29. The sucess of small scale industry soley depend upon one’s doing the ………………
(A): right things at right time
(B): finance
(C): Human resource
(D): marketing
30. what is/are the phase of development of SSI
(A): selection if small industry and prepartaion of feasibility and project report
(B): accommodation , power and other infrastrtual facilities
(C): finance
(D): all of the above
31. What is/are the steps involving in preparing the promotion plan
(A): project implementation
(B): feedback
(C): commercial production
(D): all of the above
32. what is/are the steps of creating nad propelling a fast growing company
(A): from idea to launch
(B): getting started and early funding
(C): getting ready to scale up
(D): all of the above
33. what is the steps involving in preparing the promotion plan
(A): conceivinf the business idea
(B): screeing the ideas
(C): business analysis
(D): all of the above
34. the district industries centre programme was launched on ………………
(A): May 8, 1978
(B): June 10, 1979
(C): May 8, 1980
(D): June 10, 1982
35. in which area SIDCO offers a consultancy services
(A): Quality Control
(B): Production
(C): Finance
(D): All of the above
36. The business should trive for
(A): innovation
(B): invention
(C): modernization
(D): all of the above
37. why younger generation should be trained
(A): they know how a business is run
(B): what all activities take place everyday in a business
(C): ahat problem might arise and how they can be solved
(D): all the above
38. Which city was considered Manchester of India
(A): Ahmadabad
(B): Gandhinagar
(C): Surat
(D): Mumbai
39. Finance is a key input of…………………
(A): Production
(B): Distribution
(C): Development
(D): all of the above
40. In which area SIDCO offers a consultancy services
(A): technical
(B): managerial
(C): marketing
(D): all of the above
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