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1 Write a short note on value dynamics in technology and innovation. Support your answer with relevant examples from IT industry.
2 What is Technology S-Curve? How can you effectively use the S-Curve to predict the future. Please specify the assumptions clearly to support your answer.
3 Discribe the 5 Steps of ideation.
4 Critically evaluate the statement " Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable". Support your argument with relevant examples.
5 Write a short note on the process of innovation in an FMCG company. Does Innovation help thee organization sustain for longer period of time? Support your answer with relevant examples from Consumer Durables industry.
6 What role does patents play in success of an organization? If an organization has no patents, can it still survive? Support your answer with relevant examples from Indian pharmacuitical companies which have achieved big in recent past.
7 What is your understanding of the term technological diffusion? How does it impact the overall growth of an industry? Support your answer with relevant Indian examples.
8 Can collaboration work for organizations working on innovation? How does collaboration between indistry leaders define the future of the industry? Support your answer with relevant examples.
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Case Study
To survive and stay competitive in the current economic climate shipping companies must find innovative ways of working by embracing modern technology. In a complex industry known for being conservative and slow to adapt to new technologies, are companies aware of the possibilities?
Outside the industry technology is causing the biggest shake up of processes and ways of working since the industrial revolution and shipping companies are beginning to understand its potential. Global management consultants McKinsey recently highlighted: “Over the past few years, rapid technological advances in digitisation and data and analytics have been reshaping the business landscape, supercharging performance and enabling the emergence of new business innovations and new forms of competition and business disruption.”
Many technologies used in other sectors can be applied to shipping. There is now a huge opportunity to accelerate the digital transformation of the shipping industry. Technology enables shipping companies to optimise the management of their entire fleet, automate processes, increase their business performance, improve operational efficiencies and drive down costs.
We see enormous potential for further progress driven by technology. Already, there’s been commitment from the industry to bring the internet on board and make it available constantly. This will bring great advances in terms of real-time data exchange, integrating the fleet directly into all processes and enabling operators to gain a 360 ° overview of all events that are happening within their fleet. This is a major step forward. Currently most ships are hardly integrated into the internal processes of the companies.
As an industry with such complex management processes, this lack of ability to collaborate and poor visibility of operations is risky and can lead to decisions and forecasts being made based on minimal information. But even without the option for constant internet connection on board – the use of modern management solutions, potentially cloud-based ones which offer one central source of information for the office and the fleet is already bringing great benefits in terms of improved data and information exchange, as well as reduction of communication expenditures.
There will also be great advances in terms of data analysis. Starting in 2018, the new EU MRV regulation will become effective. This will force shipping companies to monitor a variety of parameters. This also marks the first step towards actual performance management and should lay the foundation for an increase in the use of data analytics, leading to better predictions for optimal routes, fuel consumptions and the maintenance of machinery. The result will be a massive saving of costs.
Other potential game changers include mobility and cloud-technology, which are expected to have a significant impact on the way shipping companies operate in the future. There have been considerable advances in these fields. The benefits of using cloud technology, as well as mobile devices, are numerous. They include the ease of data access and the availability of information regardless of time or location. Additionally, the cloud makes it much easier to integrate external systems and processes, through interfaces (APIs), e.g. web hooks into each other.
The cloud is being embraced by some of the world’s leading shipping companies who are taking advantage of increasingly affordable and accessible cloud platforms to implement smarter, faster and more effective processes.
Answer Section
Q.No 1: What role does data analytics play in shaping of an industry? Refer the text above and offer your understanding of it from the perspective of shipping industry.
Q.No 2: What whould happen to the shipping companies that avoid working on technological innovation management? How can these companies create a sustainability plan?
Q.No 3: How does cloud platform help a typical shipping company in ensuring proper management of customer service?
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1. Innovation is defined as
(A): the commercialization of a new product or process
(B): the invention of a new product or process
(C): the implementation of a new production method
(D): a new product or process idea 2. Which of the following describes the totality of the means people employ to accomplish desired tasks?
(A): innovation
(B): creativity
(C): option 1 and 2
(D): none of the above
3. Which of the following might be regarded as a volatility-induced innovation?
(A): Automated teller machines
(B): Negotiable certificates of deposit
(C): Interest rate futures
(D): Securitisation 4. Which of the following might be regarded as a technology-induced innovation?
(A): Eurodollars
(B): Interest bearing sight deposits
(C): Electronic payment at point of sale
(D): Securitisation 5. If technology lowers the cost of financial intermediation, other things being equal we might expect:
(A): Lower interest rates
(B): Higher interest rates
(C): More lending and borrowing
(D): Higher velocity of circulation 6. Technology acceleration is
(A): The speeding-up in research required to develop new technologies
(B): The growth of technology networks encouraged by market success
(C): A common way of managing research
(D): The rate of performance increase in a particular technology for a given price
7. According to Siegel at al. (2007) the technology transfer objectives of TTOs is to
(A): Seek profits
(B): Share and disseminate their knowledge
(C): To protect and generate revenue for IP
(D): None of the above
8. The Linear Model of Technology Transfer
(A): Regards technology transfer as a process that can, and should, be planned
(B): Emphasises multi-directional linkages, interdependency between hard technology and softer issues of people, management and information flows
(C): Regards technology transfer as something that should not be planned
(D): Emphasises the relationship aspect of technology transfer
9. The Non-Linear Model of Technology Transfer:
(A): Emphasises multi-directional linkages, interdependency between hard technology and softer issues of people, management and information flows
(B): Regards technology transfer as something that should not be planned
(C): Emphasises the relationship aspect of technology transfer
(D): All of the above
10. Technology Transfer can potentially:
(A): Generate revenues for universities
(B): Create research connections between academia and industry
(C): Enhance regional economic growth and development
(D): All of the above
11. According to Siegel et al. (2003) the role taken by most TTOs is:
(A): To facilitate technological diffusion through the licensing to industry of inventions or intellectual property resulting from university research
(B): To facilitate ‘mega agreements’ between individual companies and universities
(C): To facilitate the licensing of university-owned intellectual property to existing companies
(D): To facilitate university support for start-up companies
12. The sequencing of events in terms of university technology transfer usually begins with:
(A): Invention disclosure
(B): Scientific discovery
(C): Evaluation of the commercial potential
(D): Filing a patent
13. Which of the following enabled universities and public reseach laboratories to patent their own inventions?
(A): The Bayh-Dole Act 1980
(B): European Patent Convention
(C): Patent Cooperation Treaty
(D): US Patent and Trade Mark Office
14. Which of the following can influence whether TTO will patent a technology:
(A): When there is a possible cost benefit
(B): If the TTO has a high level of investment
(C): If the TTO has the support of research councils
(D): When there is a clear cost benefit
15. A spin-off company is:
(A): A firm that includes among its founding members a person affiliated with the university
(B): A firm that is not founded by a staff member of the university but is developing technology originating at the university
(C): A firm that has been granted the permission of a piece of intellectual property by the inventor
(D): A firm that includes only members from the university
16. Which of the following is not a macro level factor that influences technology transfer?
(A): Proximity to industrial clusters
(B): Support of developmental agencies/research councils
(C): Quality of Technology Transfer Office
(D): Government support and investment
17. Which of the following is not an inhabitor that is experienced by publicly funded principal investigators/scientists?
(A): Political and environmental factors
(B): Institutional inhabitors
(C): Project inhabitors
(D): Social and economic factors
18. IP valuations can have:
(A): An insignificant influence for technology entrepreneurs during the company formation stage
(B): A significant influence for technology entrepreneurs during the company formation stage
(C): A significant influence for technology entrepreneurs during the scientific discovery stage
(D): A significant influence for technology entrepreneurs during the invention disclosure stage
19. Administration and Power of Industry Partners are:
(A): Political and environmental factors
(B): Institutional inhabitors
(C): Social and economic factors
(D): Project inhibitors
20. An entrepreneurial university is a:
(A): Natural incubator
(B): Abnormal incubator
(C): Convergent technology space
(D): None of the above We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT.
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21. According to Harman (2010) the most important perceived barrier by technology transfer specialists was:
(A): Distance from reseach clusters
(B): Lack of funds to support commercialisation activities
(C): Lack of governmental support
(D): Competing stakeholder interests
22. Creative destruction is when:
(A): Innovative solutions are introduced by SMEs, which undermines the current practice in the economy and thereby moves entrepreneurs out of business.
(B): Innovative solutions are introduced by entrepreneurs, which undermines the current practice in the economy and thereby moves other products, production methods and even companies out of business.
(C): Innovative solutions are introduced by universities, which undermines the current practice in the economy and thereby moves other products, production methods and even companies out of business.
(D): Innovative solutions are introduced by large multinationals, which undermines the current practice in the economy and thereby moves entrepreneurs out of business.
23. is a term commonly used when users or market forces drive changes within an innovation.
(A): Technology push
(B): Market pull
(C): Market push
(D): Technology pull
24. An example of process innovation is:
(A): Online services such as Dropbox
(B): Tablet computers
(C): Dell’s production and delivery of mass customised computer
(D): All of the above
25. Incremental innovation involves than radical innovation:
(A): Lower risk
(B): Higher risk
(C): Higher degree of change
(D): None of the above
26. Incremental innovations consist of:
(A): Big changes in products
(B): Disruptive changes in products
(C): Radical changes in products
(D): Smaller improvements in products
27. are novel technological solutions that serve as a platform for distribution of services.
(A): Incremental innovation
(B): Radical innovation
(C): Platform innovation
(D): Infrastructure innovation
28. The aim of the Diagnose stage within the technology innovation life cycle is to:
(A): Identify and evaluate new ideas for products and processes
(B): Transform the idea into a viable product or process
(C): Introduce the product to the market
(D): Monitor and assess the product
29. Open innovation is based on the acknowledgement that:
(A): The best competence and the best ideas are often found within the company needing it
(B): An innovation brings significant upheaval within an industry
(C): An innovation has major implications for all of the major stakeholders
(D): The best competence and the best ideas often are outside the company needing it
30. Which of the following is a key characteristic of disruptive innovations?
(A): Solution is more simple and lower-quality
(B): Solution is more user-friendly
(C): Solution is cheaper
(D): None of the above
31. Within the Technology Adaption Life Cycle, innovators are known as:
(A): Visionaries
(B): Technology Enthusiasts
(C): Pragmatists
(D): Conservatives
32. Which of the following groups provide good testing ground for new technologies?
(A): Visionaries
(B): Technology Enthusiasts
(C): Pragmatists
(D): Conservatives
33. Which of the following is not one of the five stages in the innovation decision process theory?
(A): Knowledge
(B): Decision
(C): Complexity
(D): Implementation
34. The theory states that an innovation goes through a period of slow, gradual growth before a period of speedy and significant growth.
(A): Rate of adoption theory
(B): Innovation decision process theory
(C): Theory of perceived attributes
(D): Individual innovativeness theory
35. The group that are quickest to adopt a new innovation are known as:
(A): Innovators
(B): Early adopters
(C): Early majority
(D): Laggards
36. Within the Contrary Forces Model, mobilisation:
(A): Leads to divergence of the innovation
(B): Is directed towards formulating and testing propositions
(C): Seeks to converge and simplify the idea
(D): Explores the innovation’s potential
37. Outsourcing of innovation globally is more likely where
(A): Innovations are autonomous
(B): Innovations are systemic
(C): Innovations are systemic or autonomous
(D): Innovations are made by service sector firms
38. Being a manager, with no environmental uncertainty or threat of competitors’ new products, would be simple without ______________.
(A): government regulations
(B): diversity
(C): cultural differences
(D): organizational change
39. Managing change is an integral part of ______________
(A): top management’s job
(B): middle-level management’s job
(C): the first-line manager’s job
(D): every manager’s job
40. Which of the following is not an external force of change?
(A): marketplace
(B): government laws and regulations
(C): economic changes
(D): workforce We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT.
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