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Compensation & Reward Management (VV2)
Compensation & Reward Management (VV2)
Compensation & Reward Management (VV2) We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) Assignment A 1 . What is the importance of job analysis in compensation management? Describe various methods of Job analysis. 2 . " The wage boards have a long history in the Indian Industrial relations system " Discuss its objectives, structure and functions. 3 . What is the major purpose of Equal pay Act and what does require of organisation? 4 . What is job evaluatrion?Explain process of job evaluation. 5 . Explain the fixation and revision of wages as per Minimum Wage Act, 1948. 6 . Explain the determination of bonus payment as per Bonus Act, 1965. 7 . Discuss the New Approach of VRS. 8 . Write short notes on five : (a) Rewards (b) Fair wages (c) Job description (d) Living wages (e) Gain sharing We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) Assignment B Case Detail : The 1990's were a watershed for for the Indian banking industry, and particularly for nationalised banks hitherto have monopoly in the industry. Following the deregulation of the financial sector, Corp bank has faced increased competition from other financial institutions like Can fin Homes Ltd, LIC Housing Corporation and foreign private banks.These specialised financial institutions were giving a tough competition to Corp Bankresulting an intense squeez on profit margins and the need to make considerable efforts to to retain its clientele. Under such pressure ,Corp bank introduced new technology, new financial products and new reward system for bank managers and staff. Information and communication technologies( ICTs) enabled the bank to process much larger volume of business and just importantly, the new ICTs themselves faciliated the development of new, and technically based product and services ( such as home banking, smart cards and debt cards )which Corp Bank started to market to its customers. Running parallel with these technical changes was the dismantling of the patternalistic human resource managementsystem. In essence, Corp Bank's bureacatic culture and its associated belief system for managers and staff of appropriate behaviour being rewarded by steady promotion through the rank swept aside. The new culture ion the fast changingenvironment, emphasised customer service and the importance of measuring and rewarding staff according to their performance. The new performance related reward system was introduced at the board meeting hewld in June 2002. Mr N.K. Singh ,Chairman and managing Director of the banksaid that the proposed reward system would be a key strategy to ' maintain our reputation and market share'. He outlined that in future, the salary of bank managers would be tied to their leadership skills and quality of customer services. Accordingly,the reward system would link manager's salary to behaviour traits that relate to leadersship and customer service. The variable pay for both managers and staff would be based on what is accomplished because customer service is central to Corp bank's strategic plan, a three category rating system that involves' not meeting' customer expectations, ' meeting' them or 'far exceeding'them, is the essence of the reward system. 1. What types of problems were being facedby Corp Bank? 2. Outline the merits and limitations of Corp Bank's proposed award system for the managers and staff. 3. Develop an alternative reward system for Corp Bank's employees and explain why it is superior to the proposed reward system. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) Assignment C 1. Monetary Compensation can be ______________benefits. monetary non-monetary monetary and non-monetary none of these 2. Wages represent___________ rates of pay. daily hourly weekly monthly 3. Which are also called payments by results. allowances claims incentives fringe benefits 4. Incentives depends upon productivity sales profit all of these 5. Which is perquisites out of following? club member ship provident fund medical allowance group insurance 6. The following is paid only at the time of employees exit after serving more than 5 years. Perquisites claims gratuity allowances 7. A behaviour which has rewarding experience is likely to be repeated is postulated by Equity theory Agency theory Reinforcement and expectancy theory none of these 8. A fair day work for fair day pay'denotes a sense of______ felt by employees. responsibility equity happiness respect 9. The remuneration system needs to meet the following types of equity. Internal External individual All of these 10. Which of the following factor(s) influences employees compensation? Labour market cost of leaving labour unions All of these 11. The following is not the part of remuneration model. job description job evaluation job analysis job hierarchy 12. The organised industrial establishments pay review take place once in ___________. Ten years five years three years fifteen years We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) 13. Equal remuneration Act 1976, prohibts discrimination in matters, relating to remuneration on the basis of religion region sex all of these 14. Which of the following is not a concept of wages. Fair wages minimum wages daily wages living wages 15. Which of the following can be fixed by comparison withan accepted standard wages. minimum wages fair wages living wages all of these 16. A____________ must be fixed considering the general economy of the country. Minimum wages fair wages living wages all of these 17. Providing equal pay for jobs of equal nature based on job evaluation ensures___________ in compensation administration. external equity internal equity neutrality none of these 18. In India, ______________ wage is determined mainly for sweated industries. Fair wages minimum wages living wages standard 19. Payment for cash rewards for the work extracted from the employee is normally called direct compensation indirect compensation non- monetary compensation none of these 20. Which of the following is the fixed component in compensation package? Profit sharing gain sharing base sharing equity stock option 21. Insurance schemes, retire benefits and leave travel concessions are example of Indirect monetary compensation direct monetary compensation non- monetary compensation none of these We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) 22. Managers never own complete responsibily for the all the decisions made by them since they are not the owners of the busness is the assumption of the Equity theory expectancy theory agency theory contigency theory 23. Wages which are usually positioned about the minimum wages but below the living wages are described as real wages fair wages minimum wages living wages 24. Wages usually adjusted for the prevailing rates of inflamation is called real wages minimum wages fair wages living wages 25. When there are several pay grades in a pay structure, it is called broad graded structure traditional pay structure job family structure none of these 26. Provisions of cars, parking lots, and membership in country club are examples of base salary of executives short term incentives plans perks for executives all of these 27. Stock option and performance shares are examples of base salary short term incentive plan long term incentive plan all of these 28. Performance based annual bonuses are examples of base plan short term incentive plan long term incentive plan all of these 29. Direct compensation includes which of the following flexible benefits long term incentive pay workers compensation unpaid leaves 30. Indirect compensation is represented by which of the following social security benefits short term incentive pay differential pay merit pay 31. Which of the following is not one of the main three factors of the HEY system? experience know how problem solving accountability 32. Which of the following is funding feature of a health plan? HMO coverage PPO coverage self insurance office visits 33. Which of the following is a legally mandated benefit? Workers compensation social security unemployment compensation all of these 34. Which of the following Acts deals directly with descriminationin compensation? Comparable worth Equal pay Act Davis Bacon Act Fair labour standards Act We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) 35. Similarity in pay for jobs requiring comparable level of knowledge, skill and abilityeven where actual job duties differ significantly is the equal pay pay equity pay check fairness Act none of these 36. An incumbent who is paid below the range set of job red circle employee blue circled employee green circled employee none of these 37. Variable pay is also known as performance pay incentives group pay group performance pay 38. Which of the following categories is not example of payment that is consistant from period to period despite the number of hours worked wages salary reward incentives 39. Which of the following catories is not an example of an exempt classification? executives sales professional technical 40. The equal pay Act for equal work of same skills, effort and responsibilities which of the following is not the exemption of the Act? seniority performance overtime geographic location We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only)

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