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Information Technology for Managers (VVN)
Information Technology for Managers (VVN)
We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) Information Technology for Managers (VVN) 1 . Depict the differences between strategic and tactical planning 2 . What is the recriuitment process? Explain the steps in the process of recruitment process. 3 . Interpersonal Behavior Approach to management emphasizes managing people by understanding their individual psychological needs. Describe group influence and Hawthome 4 . Differentiate between risk analysis and risk communication? 5 . Incremental model emphasizes short-run solution of a problem rather than long-term goal accomplishment. It has various models Explain the rational,incremental and garbage-can model. 6 . Which approach management uses to understand managerial functions and individual psychological needs 7 . The communication process is made up of various components like feedback, message, understanding and channel . Which are the actual physical product from the source? 8 . 'What is JIT ? Explain briefly its characteristics. Case Detail : In the past three to four decades, many management theorists, and writers have made remarkable contribution in the study of decision making process management. By studying the various approaches to management analysis, we can understand the concept of management and have a better understanding of managerial functions and models like rational, garbage, top-down approach and so on. 1. Rational model is a …………………..model which suggests that manag ers engage in completely rational decision process, ultimately make optimal decisions and process, and understand all information relevant to their decisions at the time they make them 2. The garbage-can model is effective in which of the situation/s? just give one example 3. Which decision-making models emphasizes short-run solution of a problem rather than long-term goal accomplishment? 1. JIT (Just-In-Time) inventory control is an approach to inventory control, which stipulates that materials should arrive just, as they are needed, in the production process. Which of the following would generally not be associated with a successful JIT program, for the purpose of inventory control? Well-organized receiving and handling of materials purchased from suppliers Strong management commitment Suppliers located in diverse and distant locations High quality of materials purchased from suppliers 2. Information that originates outside the organization is known as external information. Which of the following is/are example(s) of external information in an organization? Daily receipts and expenditures Salesperson Quotas Descriptions of customer satisfaction with products and services Quantity of an item in hand or in inventory 3. Which of the following decision-making models emphasizes short-run solution of a problem rather than long-term goal accomplishment? Rational model Satisficing model Incremental model Garbage-can model 4. Sofia works in one of seven research and development departments at General Automobile Corporation. This would suggest that General Automobiles has a Functional structure Divisional structure Flat structure High degree of centralization 5. Which of the following information processing systems gives the output in the form of summary and exception reports that are useful to the managers? Decision support system Management information system Office automation system Transaction processing system 6. In which of Likert’s four systems of leadership, managers do not have complete confidence and trust in subordinates but nevertheless, solicit advice from subordinates while retaining the right to make final decision? Participative leadership style Benevolent-authoritative leadership style Suppliers located in diverse and distant locations High quality of materials purchased from suppliers 7. Performance appraisals are important in an organization because they I. Provide systematic judgments to support promotions. II. Provide a basis for coaching. III. Provide a basis for counseling. IV. Let subordinates know where they stand with the boss. Only (I) above Only (II) above Both (I) and (II) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above. 8. Ratio analysis helps a manager to compare the performance of the organization with its previous performance or the performance of its competitors. Which of the following is a ratio of creditors’ contribution to that of the owners? Current ratio Debt-equity ratio Return on investment (ROI) Net profit margin 9. Which of the following inventory techniques uses cards to monitor inventory movement? ABC Analysis JIT Approach Kanban Kaizen 10. A decision support system (DSS) is an interactive computer system used to plan and make decisions. Which of the following is/are true with regard to Decision Support System (DSS)? I. Executive decisions are the focal points in DSS. II. DSS specializes in easy-to-use software. III. DSS employs interactive processing. IV. The control and use of DSS rests with the central information management department. Only (I) above Both (I) and (II) above Both (III) and (IV) above (I), (II) and (III) above 11. Which of the following is/are postulates of the path – goal theory? I. The leader clearly defines the path to goal attainment for subordinates. II. The leader motivates subordinates to participate in decision-making. III. The leader sets clear and specific goals for subordinates. IV. The leader suitably rewards employees as per their performance. Only (II) above Only (IV) above Both (II) and (IV) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above. 11. Which of the following is/are postulates of the path – goal theory? I. The leader clearly defines the path to goal attainment for subordinates. II. The leader motivates subordinates to participate in decision-making. III. The leader sets clear and specific goals for subordinates. IV. The leader suitably rewards employees as per their performance. Only (II) above Only (IV) above Both (II) and (IV) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above. 12. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) is a sophisticated performance rating method. Which of the following is not true with regard to BARS? BARS minimizes subjective interpretation inherent in graphic rating scales BARS makes use of ‘anchors’ (common reference points of performance) BARS concentrates on job-specific behaviors and hence is highly meaningful BARS is a simple and cost-effective rating method 13. Which of the following is not true with regard to functional authority? Functional authority is the authority staff members have over line members within the limits of their functions Functional authority has the same effect as line authority but it doesn’t have the right that line authority has, to punish violations or deviations in order to ensure compliance Functional authority is limited to those areas where a staff member has some technical competence Functional authority is in sync with the principle of unity of command. 14. Creativity is an important factor in managing people. Which of the following is not truewith regard to the creative process? Creativity is the ability to develop new ideas The creative process starts with unconscious scanning Intuition connects the unconscious with the conscious Insight leads to intuition 15. According to "expectancy theory", the probability of an individual acting in a particular way depends on I. The personality of the individual and the likelihood it will change. II. The company and its potential to be moving in the right direction. III. The situation. IV. The strength of that individual's belief that the act will have a particular outcome and on whether the individual values that outcome. Only (I) above Only (IV) above Both (I) and (III) above Both (II) and (IV) above 16. Which of the following techniques for improving productivity aims at reducing costs by analyzing and improving individual operations of a product or service? Work simplification Time-event network Value engineering Total Quality Management 17. Span of control an important factor, which is to be taken into account when undertaking organizational design. Maintaining a large span of control within an organization is most effective in all except one of the following situations? When subordinates prefer autonomy When tasks are routine When jobs are similar but have varying performance measures When subordinates are highly trained 18. Functional job analysis is a widely used systematic job analysis approach. Which of the following dimensions of an individual’s job does functional job analysis focus on? I. Data, people and jobs pertaining to the individual’s job. II. Interpersonal relationships required to perform the job. III. Tools and equipment used by the worker. IV. Products and services produced by the worker. Only (I) above Both (II) and (IV) above (I), (III) and (IV) above Both (II) and (IV) above 19. Organizational culture is the collection of shared values, beliefs, rituals, stories, myths and specialized language that foster a feeling of community among organization members. Which of the following is not a characteristic of organization culture? It differentiates one organization from another It defines the internal environment of an organization It ensures consistency in the behavior of organization members It remains absolutely stable throughout the life of an organization 20. Management By Objectives (MBO) is a system for achieving organizational objectives, enhancement of employee commitment and participation. Which of the following is notan advantage of MBO? Role clarity Clarity in organizational action Personnel satisfaction Flexibility. 21. Which of the following are the characteristics of the planning process usually adopted in Japanese Management style? I. Long-term orientation. II. Individual decision-making. III. Decisions flowing from bottom to top and back. IV. Slow decision-making. Both (I) and (II) above Both (I) and (III) above Both (II) and IV) above (I), (III) and (IV) above 22. Which of the following refers to the flow of information among persons at different levels, who have no direct reporting relationships? Horizontal communication Diagonal communication Upward communication Downward communication 23. Every organization structure, even a poor one, can be charted. Which of the following isfalse with respect to Organization Chart? It is a vital tool for providing information about organizational relationships It provides a visual map of the chain of command Charting an organization structure can show up the complexities and inconsistencies, which can be corrected It shows authority relationships as well as informal and informational relationships 24. As Arvind Misra is reviewing the progress of his organization in meeting its organizational goals, he is struck by the fact that his organization has an organizational structure that might be causing problems. The current structure diffuses accountability, makes it difficult to respond to changing conditions quickly, and results in situations where someone might have two bosses. Which of the following organization forms best fits these disadvantages being experienced by Mr. Misra? Geographical structure Matrix structure Divisional structure Customer structure 25. The garbage-can model is effective in which of the following situation/s? I. When managers have no specific goal preferences. II. When the means of achieving goals are unclear. III. When there are frequent changes in the participants involved in decision-making. IV. When the degree to which decision-makers can determine optimal decisions is limited by the individuals’ capacity and intelligence. Only (IV) abov Both (I) and (II) above Both (III) and (IV) above (I), (II) and (III) above 26. Which of the following is true about the conclusions drawn from the trait approach to leadership? The trait approach identifies traits that consistently separate leaders from nonleaders There are certain traits that guarantee that a leader will be successful The trait approach is based on early research that assumes that a good leader is born, not made Leadership is a simple issue of describing the traits of successful leaders 27. Which of the following information systems has low-volume data and analytical models as data inputs? Management Information System Decision Support System Executive Support System Transaction Processing System 28. An objective is the object or aim of an action. Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management process that is popular in many organizations. It is the joint setting of goals and objectives by superiors and subordinates. A major difference between traditional objective setting and MBO is In MBO, there are multiple objectives covering a range of organisational activities In traditional objective setting the objectives, once formulated, provide direction for management decisions In traditional objective setting the objectives, once established, form the criteria against which actual accomplishments can be measured Traditional objective setting is ‘top down’ only, while MBO is both a ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ process. 29. In the Japanese management style, the controlling function is characteristic of I. Focus on individual performance. II. Control by peers. III. Extensive use of quality control circles. IV. Fixing blame. Both (I) and (II) above Both (I) and (III) above Both (I) and (IV) above Both (II) and (III) above 30. The strengths and weaknesses of each alternative become obvious in which step of the decision making-process? Identifying the problem Identifying the decision criteria Analyzing the alternatives Implementing the alternative 31. The recruitment procedure is initiated when a vacancy occurs and is reported to the HR department. Which of the following is usually the first step followed in the recruitment procedure? Designing job description Developing a job specification Performing job analysis Attracting a pool of applicants 32. Managers making ethical decisions may belong to any of the three levels of moral development. Which of the following stages describes the conventional level of moral development? Following rules only when it is in one’s immediate interest Valuing rights of others and upholding absolute values and rights, regardless of the majority's opinion Sticking to rules to avoid physical punishment Living up to what is expected by people who are close to oneself 33. Direct control is the control that is exercised after the deviations from plans have occurred. Which of the following is not an underlying assumption of direct control? Performance can be measured Personal responsibility is absent he time expenditure is warranted Mistakes can be discovered in time 34. Which function of management involves filling, and keeping filled, the positions in the organization structure? Organizing Planning Staffing Controlling 35. Which of the following is not true about ‘power’? Power requires no formal position Power works both ways – downward and upward Power is derived from many sources Power is a narrow term compared to authority. 36. In an organization, a superior has the right to get tasks accomplished by his subordinates, but the responsibility remains with the superior. This principle which intends to eliminate the practice of “passing the buck”, is known as Authority on par with responsibility Hierarchy of authority Unity of direction Downward delegation of authority 37. Robert Owen was one of the prominent contributors to preclassical management thought. Which of the following did Robert Owen advocate/propose? Division of labor Legislative reforms to improve working conditions of labor Profit-sharing plan Study of management 38. The major disadvantage of the divisional structure is Diseconomies of scale Requires people with general managerial capabilities Managerial vacuum Duplication of activities and resources 39. Power based upon identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits is known as Coercive power Legitimate power Expert power Referent power 40. Which of the following decision-making models emphasizes short-run solution of a problem rather than long-term goal accomplishment? Rational model Satisficing model Incremental model Garbage-can model We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only)

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