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MK0018– International Marketing
MK0018– International Marketing
We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) ASSIGNMENT DRIVE FALL 2016 PROGRAM MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) SEMESTER IV SUBJECT CODE & NAME MK0018– International Marketing BK ID B1815 CREDITS 4 MARKS 60 Q.1. Differentiate between GATT and WTO GATT WTO Q.2. Write short notes on the following: A. International franchising B. International contract manufacturing A. International franchising B. International contract manufacturing Q.3. What are the stages in which international markets are screened and analysed? 4 Stages Q.4. What is counter-trade? Describe the various types of counter-trade. Explanation of the concepts Types Q.5. Briefly discuss the role of sales promotion and personal selling in international marketing. Sales promotion Personal Selling Q.6. 6 Write short notes on the following: a. Bill of Exchange b. Packing list c. Air way bill d. Certificate of origin e. Consular invoice a. Bill of Exchange b. Packing list c. Air way bill d. Certificate of origin e. Consular invoice We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only)

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