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MBA –FM/DFM 108:Literary Theory
MBA –FM/DFM 108:Literary Theory
We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) Internal Assignment No. 1 MBA F -108 Paper Code: MBA –FM/DFM Paper Title: Literary Theory Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (80-100 Words) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: f. What is the function of a Cost Centre? g. What is the Concept of Motivation? How does it affect individual behavior and performance? h. How divisional performance is measured in an organization? i. Discuss the importance of Internal Audit. j. Discuss the advantages of Participative Management NOTE: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 Marks. (1*5=5 Marks) (500 Words). Q.2 what is the Concept of Management Control? Also discuss the scope and importance of Implementing adequate Management Control. Q.3 Sales Rs. 2520000, Cost of sales Rs. 1920000, Net Profit Rs. 360000, Inventory Rs. 800000, Other Current Assets Rs. 1440000, Fixed Assets Rs. 1500000, Debt Rs. 900000, Current Liabilities Rs. 600000 and Net worth Rs. 1500000 Calculate: a. Current Ratio b. Net Profit Ratio c. Debt. Equity Ratio d. Return on Investment Q.4 “The aim of Responsibility Accounting is not to place blame. Instead, it is to evaluate performance and provide feedback. So that future operations can be improved.” Comment and Discuss the various steps involved in Responsibility Accounting. Q.5“Accounting reports are a matter of necessity for the Management”. Elaborate and explain the different types of reports that are used for the internal management of an enterprise. Internal Assignment No. 2 MBA F -108 Paper Code: MBA –FM/DFM Paper Title: Literary Theory Last date of submission: Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (1*5=5 Marks) (50-100 Words) Q. 1. Answer all the questions. a. Define the scope of Management Control. b. Why effective control system is required in Management? c. Differentiate between PERT and CPM technique. d. What do you mean by Performance Budgeting? e. What is meant by ‘Transfer Pricing’? Note: Answer all the questions. (Word limits 500) Q.6 Prepare a Cash Budget from April to June for ABC Co. Ltd. With the help of following information : Month Sales (Rs.) Purchases (Rs.) Wages (Rs.) February 180000 124000 12000 March 192000 144000 14000 April 108000 243000 11000 May 174000 246000 10000 June 126000 26800 15000 b. 50% of the credit sales are realized in the following month sales and remaining 50% sales for in The second following month. c. Creditors are paid in the following month of Purchase. d. Cash at Bank as on 1st April Rs. 25000. Q.7 Write a note on: i. Organization Structure ii. Strategic Planning We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only)

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