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Marketing Leadership
Marketing Leadership
We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) Marketing Leadership (21 Feb 2016)v2 FBL5020, Semester One, 2016 School of Business and Law; Edith Cowan University Introduction Marketing It is generally recognised that a marketing philosophy is the most common management philosophy practised in modern economies. A marketing philosophy has three financial objectives: 1. to increase revenue, 2. to reduce the cost of doing business [as a percentage of sales], and 3. to build the long-term value of a business. The basic premise is that by satisfying the needs of its customers an organisation is best placed to satisfy their own needs. The starting point is an understanding of the dynamics of a marketplace and an understanding of customer value. This understanding aids market segment selection, the crafting of a compelling value proposition and a competitive advantage in the marketplace. This unit recognises that a sustainable competitive advantage is only possible through the building of long-term profitable exchange relationships with internal and external customers, channel partners and society. For some students this unit is the first step in a marketing major and then a marketing career. The marketing major provides the skills and knowledge required for a career in customer, product, brand, and revenue management. The focus of marketing is to create value for an organisation, their customers, their partners, and society at large. Marketers research the needs of customers, bring products to market, manage channel partners, and manage customer satisfaction and loyalty. The marketing major equips students with the skills, theory, and practical experience to audit a market, identify opportunities, and create, implement and manage a marketing plan. The major explores marketing at a local, national, and international level. For other students this unit will provide an interesting snapshot of what marketing is and how a marketing philosophy can assist and organisation. This unit provides business students with an overview of marketing and marketing students with the foundation knowledge for a more comprehensive study of marketing. Regardless, of whether this is your first or only marketing unit you will all become more savvy shoppers. Careers Marketing careers are available in business to business, business to consumer, government to consumer, and the not for financial profit sector. Positions include Marketing Manager, Brand Manager, Product Manager, Sales Manager, Business Development Manager, Customer Relationship Manager, Market Researcher, Advertising and Promotions Manager Unit objective The overall objective of this unit is to provide the foundations for a successful international career [in marketing]. Lecturers: Your Lecturer is your first point of contact for all matters relating to this unit. You should contact the lecturer for your time/delivery method- Peter for Mon class & Off- campus; Dinal for Tues class Name Lecturer for Room Phone Email Peter Balsarini Monday Seminar & Off-campus JO2.229A +(618)63045701 Dinal Fernando Tuesday Seminar Consultation times at the lecture room 30 minutes prior to class or by appointment (please email) Unit Coordinator Name Room Phone Email Dr Stephen Fanning JO2:230 +(618) 6304 5698 Lecture and location [Students should attend the specific lecture in which they are enrolled] Day Time Lecturer Monday 17.30- 20.30 Peter Balsarini Tuesday 17.30- 20.30 Dinal Fernando *Saturday intensive 9:00am to 1pm classes 19th March & 7 May Campus – Building - Room No. Mount Lawley 17.203 Mount Lawley 17.157 Joondalup: 7.102 *This is primarily for off-campus students but on-campus students are also welcome Teaching & learning approach and required text Each session in this unit is delivered to students via a three-hour seminar or to off-campus students via the e-book – The Marketing Concept, Blackboard materials and Saturday intensive classes. The Saturday intensive classes [starting at 9am] are entirely optional and will be held on 2 occasions - 19th March & 7th May at Joondalup Campus [these sessions are also usually streamed live on-line]. Off-campus students should complete the e-book and blackboard exercises to replicate classroom discussions. Students should access the following material: • The required text is the e-book – The Marketing Concept which is available to download on Blackboard [this is made available free of charge by the author Dr Stephen Fanning –the unit co-ordinator]. • Additional material, including slides of each lecture, are available on Blackboard • Journal articles are available electronically via the library • The unit material is the intellectual property of the author, however, it is provided to Edith Cowan University students for their studies and reference; further copying of this material is prohibited. Study Schedule This schedule provides a guideline on the topics covered, weekly readings and subsequent assessment items each week. It is a guideline and thus, it may be subject to change. Week comm- Week encing 22-Feb 1 29-Feb 2 7-March 3 14-March 4 21-March 5 28-March 6 4-April 7 11-April 18-April 8 25-April 9 2-May 10 9-May 11 16-May 12 23-May 13 Topics/ Activity In general these are the same as modules / chapters from the e-book The Marketing Concept 2016.1 Unit Plan- introduction ,GTKY & discussion Preface, Unit Intro, Marketing Philosophy Marketing definition Evolution of marketing Marketing objectives Marketing theory overview The buyer decision process The total product concept [overview]; Product considerations The 4 product layers The 6 product components The circle of satisfaction & Assessment 2 Workshop Application [overview] Positioning: Marketing Strategy Thinking Strategically [Design Thinking & Blue Ocean Strategy] MID SEMESTER BREAK Thinking Strategically [New Product Development] Positioning: Marketing research Positioning: The market planning process [Marketing Plan & Business Plan] Communicating [overview] Communicating :Internal & channel marketing Assessment 3 Workshop Communicating: Customer retention Communicating: External marketing Controlling: CRM Controlling: Sales & Sales force management Controlling: A relational sales process Entire unit review e-book The Marketing Assessment Concept 2016.1 Reading pages 1 to 15 16 to 45 46 to 70 71 to 92 Assessment 1: Online Quiz - 93 to 121 open Wednesday 23 March 9am to Friday 1 April at 5pm 122 to 141 142 to 155 156 to 171 172 to 181 Assessment 2 Due: Sunday 1st May by 5pm via Turnitin 182 to 189 190 to 218 219 to 236 Assessment 3 Due: Frid 3 June by 5pm via Turnitin Expectations This unit is conducted in accordance with the Student Charter (available at: Please be mindful of common courtesies such as - timely arrival to class, treating others with respect, ensuring mobile phones are switched off, and allowing each person the opportunity to contribute and to gain as much as possible from the unit. Further reading Kim, W. C., & Mauborgne, R. (2015). Blue ocean strategy, expanded edition: How to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press Students are encouraged to utilise the full facilities of the Edith Cowan Library when studying this unit including the following on-line academic journals • Journal of marketing, Australasian marketing journal, European journal of marketing, Journal of marketing communications, Journal of marketing research, Journal of marketing management, Journal of services marketing, Journal of consumer marketing, Journal of consumer behaviour, Marketing: the magazine for marketing professionals Students are also encouraged to access the e-books available through the ECU library. Graduate attributes embedded within this unit • Ability to communicate • Critical appraisal skills • Ability to generate ideas • Cross-cultural and international outlook Learning outcomes and areas of assessment On successful completion of this unit students should be able to: • On completion of this unit students should be able to: • Critique the role of marketing in modern organisations. • Deconstruct and critique a marketing communication strategy that blends a traditional and digital approach to leverage a brand. • Demonstrate an understanding of the components of the total product. • Detail the steps to manage quality, value, satisfaction, trust and build customer advocacy. • Employ and apply the language and concepts of marketing. • Outline the evolution of a marketing philosophy. • Outline the role of a marketing plan as a part of an overall business plan. • Produce a product audit, marketing audit, and a marketing action plan. • Undertake a product audit and a marketing audit to create a marketing plan and a marketing action plan Assessment Details There are three points of assessment in this unit; a careful inspection of the tasks will reveal that all three assessments build on each other. That means - that what is learned in an assessment is applicable in the following assessment[s]. The first assessment helps with theory acquisition, the next prioritising and merging concepts, and the third application of marketing knowledge. Assessment Date (Due) Marks/Weighting Assessment 1: Online Quiz Week 5 to 6 20% Assessment 2: Academic Essay Week 9-Sunday 35 % Assessment 3: Magazine Article Week 14- Friday 45% Assessment one – Online Quiz (20%) Due Date: Week 5 to 6 Assessment value: Worth 20 marks Online Quiz The Quiz will cover the relevant required reading from the e-book The Marketing Concept (covering material from Week 1 to Week 5 inclusive). The quiz will be multiple choice and/or true or false answer format. It will have 40 questions (worth 0.5 of a mark each) for students to answer and you will be allocated 40 minutes to complete the online quiz. Submission information Weighting This assignment accounts for 20% of the assessment in this unit. Date/Week Week 5 to 6 (starts Wednesday 23rd March 9am ends Friday 1st April 5pm WST) Time Online Quiz on the e-book The Marketing Concept (pages 1 to 121) covering material up to the end of The total product concept [Product components: Place] (Week 5) - available to complete from Wednesday 23rd March 9am to the Friday 1st April 5pm WST. Place Sometime between the dates and times listed above students must access the Assessment heading on Blackboard. Then enter Online Quiz. The quiz must be completed in one sitting (once you exit you cannot go back in) with no backtracking. The quiz has a 40 minute time limit and will save and submit automatically when time expires. Format Each quiz will comprise of 40 multiple choice and/ or true or false questions. Each question is worth 0.5 marks. (The quiz is open book). Assessment two – academic business essay – 35% [week 9] HINTS: o Ensure you have a title at the beginning of your essay o Ensure your name and student number is on your essay o Ensure that your referencing is in accordance with university guidelines o Students should demonstrate the quality of their study through quality in-text and end-text referencing o Keep 75% of your word count for the marketing language and concepts (i.e., higher marks) o Avoid lengthy recounts that are interesting but do not demonstrate your learning of the unit o Seek help from the learning advisors o Please consult the essay template and marking guide prior to commencing this assignment o The ECU library can provide you with extensive access to relevant online journals [see list] o Students are advised to avoid undertaking a broad Internet search o Your e-book The Marketing Concept and the material covered in class should be the main source of reference. However, students wishing to gain a distinction or high distinction are advised to source material from academic texts [hence the need to reference]. o Other than for definitions direct quotations should be minimised as paraphrasing displays more understanding. Assessment two – academic essay (business style including headings) – 35% [week 9] marketing 2016 .1 Academic Marketing Essay (business style-includes headings)- Assessment 2 Instructions and Marking Guide 35 marks Task in 2000 words address the following essay topic: The buyer decision process and The total product concept are two of the marketing mega-concepts from the theory section of this unit; select one of these two mega-concepts and explain it. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your learning of marketing. Although using an example is preferable, students are advised to focus on the unit concepts [75%] and focus less on describing the example [25%]. How the unit concepts relate to the example and vice versa is what should be made clear and emphasised. The academic essay is rarely employed outside of universities and it is unlikely a future employer will ask for an essay. However, an academic essay has the same structure as a business presentation and is therefore important part of a student’s learning journey. [this is an individual assessment and not a group assessment] Title [1 mark] Try to gain the reader’s attention and encourage them to read on with a creative title. Abstract [2 marks] Provide a short summary of the essay, the main themes and reason to read on. Introduction [4 marks] Provide some context & background. Include a definition of marketing and its various objectives. Introducing the marketing concept may also be appropriate here. State the purpose of the essay and introduce the dominant themes. Which of the two mega- marketing concepts in the essay topic is being explained [either the The buyer decision process or The total product concept] and which of its sub-concepts you will be focussing on discussing in addressing the topic statement. Explain the scope or limitations of your paper. The introduction should be concise and avoid any detailed discussion. Discussion [24 marks] (with appropriate headings and sub-headings) This should involve a logical overall explanation of the mega- marketing concept you have chosen [either the The buyer decision process or The total product concept]. Ensure your explanation relates to the chosen mega-concept from this unit. In essence this explanation is of a summary of the mega-concept outlining its workings. Having provide this brief explanation of your chosen mega-concept it is now appropriate that you introduce and explain some of its sub- concepts (see the e-book The Marketing Concept 2016.1 and lecture slides relevant to your chosen mega-concept)-this needs to be done in some detail. Where possible, use practical examples to illustrate the points you make – if they are your own examples rather than those utilised in class all the better. This may take some thought and analysis. Whilst in-text referencing is required throughout your work, in this section you will often be in-text referencing the e-book The Marketing Concept 2016.1 as well as some of the key journal articles beyond this. Note: as this is a ‘business style’ essay figures & tables etc may be included. Conclusions [4 marks] This should draw together all the main points you have made in your discussion. It should link your presented information and provide conclusions. No new material should be introduced here. References [marks may be deducted for poor referencing] All references cited in-text in your essay should be listed in full at the end of the assignment in the end text reference list. You should also not have any source material in your end-text reference list which is not included as an in-text reference within the text of the essay. This reference list MUST be included in your turnitin Assessment submission. Remember: Referencing should be in accordance with the ECU Referencing Guide. Formatting and presentation [marks may be deducted] Title (16 point bold), Headings (14 point bold), Sub-headings (12 point bold), text (12 point), 1.5 spacing, Arial or Times New Roman font. A4, Word document, pages numbered. Word limit +/- 10% OK. Note – the ECU cover page, references, figures, tables and appendices (if any) do not count towards the word limit. Overall Grade [out of 35 marks] Submission due by [Sunday 1st Mayl] at 5pm via Assessment heading in Blackboard using turnitin. Assessment three – Magazine Article – 45% [week 14] marketing2016.1 Magazine Article Assessment 3 Instructions and Marking Guide 45 marks Statement: The ‘quest for best’ is often facilitated by pursuing a blue ocean strategy, thus at some point in their past most successful organisations have utilised a version of Blue Ocean Strategy. Task: In light of this your task is to write a 3000 word magazine style article that explains how an organisation you have selected has utilised some of the many marketing concepts* outlined in this unit to become successful. [*Blue Ocean Strategy must be one of the concepts included]. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your learning of marketing using an organisation as an example. Although students must refer to the available information, students are advised to remain focussed on demonstrating their marketing knowledge through the unit language and concepts [and not be overwhelmed by the information]. How the business example relates to the unit concept and vice versa is what should be made clear and emphasised. The target audience for your article is small to medium businesses. The writing style should appeal to the target audience and be succinct and to the point. The style and the design of the article should be similar to those found in business magazines [e.g., BRW, Harvard Business Review]. [this is an individual assessment and not a group assessment] Title [1 mark] Try to gain the reader’s attention with a creative title. Sub-title [2 marks] A one or two sentence lead in that encourages them to read on. Introduction [4 marks] Provide some context & background. A little about the organisation (or organisations), the degree of its success and why this may be of interest to small- medium businesses. Then outline the purpose of the article which is to explain how the organisation has pursued a Blue Ocean Strategy [include a brief definition] and to provide examples of how it has applied some of the marketing concepts outlined in this unit to successfully grow its business and capture uncontested market space. The introduction should be concise and avoid any detailed discussion. Main Body [27 marks] (with appropriate headings and sub-headings) After examining the available material on the organisation and understanding its background and practices select a number of the marketing concepts from the unit and explain how the organisation has utilised/applied the concepts to grow its business over the years. [remember one of the concepts must be Blue Ocean Strategy] Note- if necessary you may pick more than one organisation but do not pick too many. Note- sometimes the sub-heading may be something the business has done (eg Launching a new product) at other times it may be a concept from the unit (eg Retaining customers). Either way how the business example relates to the unit concepts and vice versa is what should be made clear and emphasised. Whilst the focus is on the organisation it may also be relevant to mention examples of some of this business’s competitors who may not have applied some of these concepts and thus lost business, profits or customers. This all will again take some research, thought and analysis. Conclusions/ Final Observations [4 marks] This should draw together all the main points from the main body. It should link your presented information and provide conclusions and/or final observations for the reader. Presentation [7 marks] Magazine style format (i.e. 2 or 3 columns of text on the page). Title (very large), Sub-title (not as large), Headings (a little smaller), Sub-headings (smaller again but larger than the text) Text (10 point single spaced) Font (easily legible) Images (minimum 2) must be used- more is OK. Creativity will gain marks so no further specifications so as not to limit creativity Format Word document References & Word Limit [marks may be deducted] All references cited in-text should be listed in full after the end of the article on a separate page in the end text reference list. This reference list MUST be included in your turnitin Assessment submission. Referencing should be in accordance with the ECU Guide. Word limit 3000+/-10% OK Note– the ECU cover page, references, and images do not count There is NO specific page limit Overall Grade [out of 45 marks] Submission due by [Friday 3rd June] at 5pm via Assessment heading in Blackboard using turnitin. Extensions for submission dates Any student who wishes to defer the submission of an assignment must apply to the lecturer before the due date for an extension of the time within which to submit the assignment. The application must be in writing and must set out the grounds on which deferral is sought. [Note: it is your responsibility to take appropriate steps to save and protect your work as you are producing it by taking regular back-ups]. An assignment submitted after the fixed or extended time for submission shall incur a penalty to be calculated as follows: • Where the assignment is submitted not more than 5 working days late, the penalty shall, for each working day that it is late, be 5% of the maximum assessment available for the assignment; or • Where the assignment is more than 5 working days late, a mark of zero shall be awarded. Supplementary assessments Note that students in the School of Business are only offered a supplementary assessment/exam by Board of Examiners if: • in the last unit of their course, and • if they achieve 40% or more By submitting your work for marking you are agreeing to the following Edith Cowan University Regulations: Warning: Unfortunately in previous semesters some students in this unit have merely ‘cut & paste’ parts of their work resulting in being reported for academic misconduct. Cheating and Plagiarism Plagiarism can be defined as the practice of presenting, as one’s own, the ideas or work of another without appropriate acknowledgment. It includes: • two or more students submitting substantially similar assignments • students copying from books, journals or the world wide web • students copying from other students, or staff, with or without their knowledge • recycling of a student’s own material • students submitting work written by another person (ghosting) Turnitin: Avoiding Plagiarism. As a part of your learning journey, it is critical that you develop high quality research and writing skills that will add to the repository of knowledge in your chosen field and enhance your employability. Whilst you will be researching previous and current academic and contemporary information sources, you are required to paraphrase, analyse, synthesise and appropriately reference this work in order to provide evidence in your assessments on the subject matter. In order that you appropriately develop these skills, the on-line tool Turnitin will be used in this unit. Turnitin is an on-line tool that assists students in the prevention of plagiarism by comparing a submitted student assignment (i.e. essay, report, brochure, PowerPoint slides etc.) to an extensive database of published articles and papers, as well as to all other student assignments that have been submitted to this site. “Plagiarism refers to a process of presenting other people‘s work as your own without attributing it (i.e., referencing) correctly” (ECU, 2008). Source: Edith Cowan University. (2008). Plagiarism: Academic Tip Sheet. Retrieved from Oral examination All written unit assessments, excluding those completed under supervised conditions, may, at the unit coordinators discretion, be extended to require an oral examination to clarify and support the written submission. The oral examination will normally be held in person with the Unit Coordinator but may be conducted by telephone or other means at the Unit Coordinator’s discretion. The oral examination should be conducted as soon as possible after the assessment but may be deferred if the student is unable to attend and can provide supporting evidence. The oral examination will be able to override the original assessment of the written submission. Failure to attend for an oral examination, if requested, will result in a mark of 0 for the assignment. Email protocol The lecturer will often update internal and off-campus students via email. For example, if an individual student requests further clarification of an assignment instruction/requirement, then all students will receive the same answer. Therefore, students should access their student email at least twice a week. Additionally, students should send all emails to the lecturer from their student email accounts. This will ensure that all correspondence is in one student folder. It is also essential that students do not automatically redirect their student emails to another email account. Past experience indicates that redirected emails are often treated as spam. If you have applied this function to your student email account you should deactivate it immediately. Unit and Teaching Evaluation (UTEI) A core objective of the unit coordinator is to continuously improve student feedback is therefore welcomed. With this in mind, the unit coordinator requests that you provide verbal feedback during the semester and formal feedback through the UTEI online survey that happens toward the end of the semester. Although the quantitative data is helpful the qualitative comments are particularly helpful in setting the direction for future classes. English Language Proficiency (ELP) ECU is implementing a raft of procedures and supports to assist all students to develop and demonstrate appropriate standards of English language proficiency. As part of the process, ECU is seeking to ensure that each student receives feedback on ELP on all written assessments showing performance against ECU ELP standards. The ECU ELP Measure shows your written ELP against the ECU standards. The ECU minimum standard for written ELP which all students should demonstrate by graduation is moderate proficiency (at least) in both the areas of Sentence Structure and Word Use. Undergraduate students in their second year are expected to be able demonstrate moderate proficiency in at least one of these areas. The feedback you will receive will indicate your demonstrated level of written ELP in any assessment. You will also receive information describing the various supports and resources you can access should you need to further develop your ELP. Low proficiency Developing proficiency Moderate Proficiency High Proficiency Sentence Structure X Word Use X ECU Standard for English Language Proficiency on graduation Grade Related Descriptors – Written Work Grades Depth and Breadth of Critical Elements Structure, Language and Coverage Conventions High Distinction All aspects of the questions The written work shows great depth All aspects of the written work 80%-100% were addressed and of thought, excellent development conform to a high academic / researched in great depth. of argument, logical analysis and professional standard. insight into the subject. Distinction Most aspects of the The written work shows some Most aspects of the written work 70%-79% question/topic were evidence of analysis supported by conform to a high academic / addressed and researched in logical argument and insight into professional standard. great depth. the subject. Credit Pass Most aspects of the The written work shows evidence of Most aspects of the written work 60%-69% question/topic were elementary analysis and the conform to an acceptable addressed and researched development of argument. academic / professional standard. adequately. Pass Basic aspects of the The written work is mainly The written work displays basic 50%-59% question/topic were descriptive, showing basic academic structure and addressed and researched understanding of the topic. professional standards. adequately. Fail Responses were superficial The written work demonstrates The written work is not of an <50% and="and" />+91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) Marketing Leadership 2016, Unit Plan 2016-1 [on-campus & off-campus] 10

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