Unix and Shell Programming
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Q1. Discuss the features of UNIX operating system that have made them such phenomenally successful Operating systems
Q2. What is shell programming? Write a shell program toprint all the contents of an existing text file in uppercase
Q3. Describe what the grep command does? Illustrate its use with an original example.
Q4Write a shell program to generate the first “n” terms of the following sequence without using multiplication
Q5. What are filters? Give some examples of commands that can be used as filters
Q6. What are the different kinds of file systems available to UNIX operating system.
Q7. Write shell programs for the following:
i.To find second largest number among the 5 numbers given.
ii. To find sum of all the alternate digits in a given 7 digit number.
iii. To count number of vowels in a given string.
iv. To take 2 strings as input, concatenate them and display the length of the resultant string.
v. To display the reverse of a given number.
Q8. Write the UNIX commands for the following
i) To display the sizes and names of the six largest files in /bin, listed in descending order of their size.
ii) To display the number of words in the last 250 lines of any file.
iii) To display the name of the oldest file (and only the oldest file) in the current working directory.
iv) To show the number of all files and directories (including hidden ones, but not. or.) in the directory /bin.
v) Use the ps command, and the grep command, in a pipeline to find all the processes owned by you.
Assignment B
Q1.What is an i-node and what information is contained in it? Describe how named files are mapped to i-nodes.
Q2How is the information associating disc blocks with i-nodes represented?
Q3 What restrictions are placed on name to i-node links to simplify file system recovery?
1. UNIX uses ls to list files in a directory. The corresponding command in MS environment is—
2. A file with extension .txt—
3. What is POSIX?
4. Which of the following files in the current directory are identified by the regular
expression a?b*.
5. For some file the access permissions are modified to 764. Which of the following interpretation are valid?
6. The file’s properties in Windows environment include which amongst the following?
7. Which of the following information is contained in inode structure?
8. What are utilities?
9. Which directory under the root contains the information on devices?
10. What is the command ‘mv’ used for in Unix?
11. What is the result of typing the command pwd?
12. Which unix command will display all files starting with an a?
13. Unix Operating System is—
14. The program is known as _________ that interacts with the inner part of called kernel.
15. Identify the odd thing in the services of operating system—
16. Dead lock handling in ______ OS, the response time is very critical.
17. Software is a program that directs the overall operation of the computer facilitates its use and interacts with the user. What are the different types of such software?
18. PCB stands for—
19. The primary job of the operating system of a computer is to—
20. Super computers typically employ—
21. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the relationship between the processes and programs in a computer system at any given moment?
22. Multiprogramming systems –
23. Multiprocessing
24. Which is not the state of the process?
The operating system of a computer serves as a software interface between the user and the-
25. A process is—
26. The kernel of the operating system remains in the primary memory because—
27. Which of the following statement is not true?
28. The term “Operating System " means—
29. What is a shell?
30. The operating system manages—
31. chown means—
32. The process which terminates before the parent process exits, is called as—
33. Identify the point(s) that is not true w.r.t. signals—
34. ---------Works as a command interpretor.
35. An important task that the operating system performs is____, which keeps track of the files stored on a PC so that they can be retrieved when needed
36. The means by which an operating system or any other program interacts with the user is called--
---------- was originally developed at AT&T Bell Labs as an operating system
37. For multiprogramming systems, most UNIX operating systems use—
38. What are the tasks of an Operating System?
39. For multiprogramming systems, most UNIX operating systems use—
40. What are the tasks of an Operating System?
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