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Software Engineering
Software Engineering
We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) Software Engineering Q1. Explain the Spiral Model of software development. What are the limitations of such a model? Q2. Is it possible to estimate software size before coding? Justify your answer with suitable examples Q3. Explain the concepts of Function Points. Why FPs is becoming acceptable in industry? Q4. The effort distribution for a 420 KLOC Semi-detached mode software development project is: product design 10%, detailed design 14%, code & unit test 26%, integrate and test 30%. How would the following change, from low to high, affect the phase distribution of effort and the total effort: analyst Capability, virtual machine experience, Programmer capability, and required language experience? Q5 What do you understand by the term Software Development Life Cycle? Why is it important to adhere to a life cycle model while developing a large software system? Q 6 List the five desirable characteristics of good SRS document Q7. Enumerate the different types of coupling that might exist between two modules. Q8. Q.1) Consider a project to develop a full screen editor. The major components identified are screen edit, command language interpreter, file input and output, cursor movement, screen movement. The sizes for these are estimated to be 4K, 2K, 1K, 2K and 3K delivered source lines. Use COCOMO Model to determine: a) Overall cost and schedule estimates. b) Cost and schedules for different phases. Q2: Explain why a design with low coupling helps maintainability Q3 Discuss the significance and use of requirement engineering. What are the problems in the formulation of requirements? 1. The development is supposed is supposed to be processed linearly through the phases 2. The DFD depicts 3. The most desirable form of coupling is 4. If failure intensity is 0,005 failures/hour during 10 hours of operation of software, its reliability can be expressed as 5. Regression testing is primarily related to 6. Which one is not a step of requirement engineering? 7. Which one is not a requirement elicitation technique? 8. Level-O DFD is similar to 9. The DFD depicts 10. Which one is not a size measure for software? 11. Estimation of size for a project dependent on 12. COCOMO-II was developed at 13. How many stages are in COCOMO-II? 14. Which one is not a risk Management Activity? 15. The worst type of cohesion is 16. Which one is not a strategy for design? 17. A system that does not interact with external environment is called 18. The extent to which different modules are dependent upon each other is called 19. Which one is not a category of software metrics? 20. Which one is not a measure of software science theory? 21. Minimal implementation of any algorithm was given the following name by Hallstead: 22. Which one is the International standard for size measure? 23. Fault is 24. As the reliability increases, failure intensity 25. Software Quality is 26. How many product quality factors have been proposed in McCall quality model? 27. Which one is not a software quality model? 28. NHPP stands for 29. Total numbers of maturing levels in CMM are 30. CMM is developed by 31. Software reliability is defined with respect to 32. Software mistakes during coding are known as: 33. For a function of two variables, how many test cases robustness testing will generate? 34. Beta testing is carried out by: 35. Acceptance testing is done by: 36. Cyclomatic Complexity is equal to 37. Alpha & Beta testing techniques are related to 38. Integration testing techniques are 39. Functionality of software is tested by 40. Thread testing is used for testing We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only)

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