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Q1. Discuss the nature and dynamism of business environment. What factors trigger changes in the business environment?
Q2. Elaborate upon the major components of internal environment of a business firm?
Q3. Explain the main objectives as incorporated in various five-year plans of India.
Q4. Social responsibility is a luxury which a few business organizations can afford’. Do you agree or disagree? Give arguments in support of your answer.
Q5. Write short answers to any three of the following: -
- a) Factors effecting technological environment of business
- b) Economic Liberalization
- c) Horizontal and vertical integration
- d) Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
- Banking sector will fall under which of the following sectors?
- In which production India has attained self-sufficiency?
- The main watchdog of international trade is ---
- Find the odd one out---
- National Income estimates in India is prepared by---
- Who is the Chairman of NDC?
- The Plan Holiday refers to the period---
- Which of the following regulates the working of stock markets in India?
- The New Economic Policy launched in 1991 consist of---
- Closed economy’ is one in which---
- Mixed economy means---
- The largest share in India’s national income is from---
- VAT is imposed---
- Which of the following countries per capita income is the highest?
- India is not a member of---
- Black money in India---
- Stagflation means---
- The President of India is elected by---
- Which of the following is not a fundamental right enshrined in the Indian Constitution?
- India has---
- Income tax is an item of---
- The objective of case-study is---
- Inflation, in theory occurs---
- Among the supply side measures to control inflation is---
- ‘Level playing field’ argument of industries requires-
- In a flexible exchange-rate system, an increase in the domestic interest rate would tend to---
- Which of the following items is not included in a country’s balance of payments?
- Which two of the following are the most likely effects of the imposition of a tariff on an imported good? (a) The domestic price of the imported good will fall (b) Overseas production of the good may be stimulated (c) Overseas employment will rise (d) The domestic price of the imported good will rise (e) Gain of tax revenue by the government
- Which two of the following are regarded as the main aims of the World Trade Organisation (WTO)? a) To eliminate discrimination in world trade b) To provide financial assistance to countries with debt c) To reduce tariff barriers d) To make ‘infant industry’ protection illegal e) To help give preferences to smaller economies
- Which of the following is the most integrated form of regional economic arrangement?
- Which two of the following arguments are most likely to be used to justify protectionism? a) To protect high cost domestic industries b) To protect strategically important industries c) To protect industries which are still immature d) To maximise government tax revenue e) To protect environmental standards
- A situation where any advantage given by one member of the WTO to another member must be extended to all WTO members.
- A situation where a country exports a product at a price below its cost of production.
- A protectionist measure whereby members of a regional trading bloc agree to impose an identical rate of protection on all goods imported from non-member countries.
- An MNC (multinational company or corporation) can be defined as a firm which:
- Coca Cola is a good example of a _______________ MNC (Multinational Corporation).
- MNCs are in a good position to vary their strategies in different phases of the product life cycle. For instance in the __________ phase(s) they will usually _______________.
- Which of the following is NOT likely to be a benefit that host countries will obtain from MNCs?
- When MNCs reduce their tax bill in different host countries this is usually done by a technique called:
- Which of the following can be a disadvantage to the host country of MNC investment: