Amity Human Resource Management B.Com
Q1. Define HRM, trace its evolution and list out the functions and objectives?
Q2. What is training and development? What are the different techniques of training and what makes training effective?
Q3. What is HRP? Explain the process of HRP and list out its importance for an organization?
Q4. Define selection, explain its process and bring out the barriers to effective selection
Q5. Write short note on any three of the following.
a) Job Analysis and its uses
b) Performance appraisal methods(Past and future oriented)
c) Employee remuneration components and significance
d) Methods of workers participation in management
e) Trade Unions—functions and problems
Q6. Define recruitment, its purpose and importance? List briefly the various sources of recruitment
Q7. Define appraisal process and list the common errors that affect the appraisal interview.
Q8. What do you mean by separation, define the different types of separation?
Case Study
Global Human resource Management at Coca Cola
The Coca Cola Company is one of the most successful MNC. Coca Cola however, like to think of itself as a multi local company. The philosophy is best summarized by the Phrase “Think Global Act Local”. Coca Cola manages it global operations through 25 operating divisions.
The Corporate HRM function is charged with providing the glue that binds these various divisions into Coca Cola family. The Corporate HR function achieves this in two main ways, First, by prorogating a common human resources philosophy within the company and Secondly by developing a group a internationally minded mid level executives for future senior management responsibility.
The Corporate HRM group sees its mission as one of the developing and providing the underlying philosophy around which the local businesses can develop their own HR practices. For example, rather than have a standard salary policy for all its national operations, Coca Cola has a common salary philosophy-- the total compensation package should be competitive with the best companies in the local market.
Twice a year the Corporate HRM group conducts a two week of HRM orientation session for the HR staff from each of its 25 operating divisions to give them an overview of the company’s HRM philosophy and talk about how local businesses can translate it into HR policies.
Coca Cola believes in information sharing, for instance a problem in Brazil division could be learning experience to improvise in Australia operations. The sessions provide a medium through which HRM professionals can communicate and learn from each other, which facilitates the rapid transfer of innovative and valuable HRM tools from region to region.
As much as possible, Coca Cola tries to staff its operations with local personnel. To quote one senior executive “we strive to have limited numbers of international people in the field because generally the local people are better equipped to do business at their home locations”.
However Expats are needed in the system for two main reasons, one is to fill a need for a specific set of skills that might not exists at a particular location. For example, when Coca Cola started its operations in Eastern Europe, it had to bring in an expat from Chicago, who was a polish descent, to fill the position of finance manager. The second reason for using expatriates is to improve the employees own skill base. Coca Cola believes that because it is global company, senior managers should have had international exposure. Coca Cola also tries to build a cadre of internationally minded executives from which the future senior managers of Coca Cola would be drawn.
Q1. What is Coca Cola’s staffing policy for managerial positions, Ethnocentric, Polycentric or Geocentric? Does this policy make sense? Support your stand.
Q2. What is the strategic role of the HRM function at Coca Cola? How does HRM help Coca Cola to become a more successful international business?
1. Due to Globalization HRM is
2. Job analysis consists of-
3. Recruitment means--
4. Who are the major actors of Industrial Disputes
5 BARS stands for—
6 Training means
7 Performance Appraisal is the process of—
8 HRP stands for—
9 Which among the following is on the job training method?
10 In 360 degree appraisal system performance is rated by—
11 Methods of job evaluations are-
12 Halsey Plan, Rowan Plan, Bedaux Plan are—
13 Trade Union act of—
14 Which of the following is not a selection test?
15 Delphi Technique is used for-
16 Select the correct sequence in evolution of HRM.
17 Collective bargaining is a machinery for—
18 In IHRM ,employees are classified as-
19 Trade unions are association of--
20 IR stands for—
22 Retrenchment is a type of—
23 Geocentric Approach involves—
24 Repatriation is the process of—
25 Layoff is a --
26 Final step in selection is—
27 Campus recruitment is a type of—
28 Job enrichment is—
29 Job analysis data is used for—
30 Demand forecasting is—
31 Poaching is—
32. Barrier in effective selection are—
33 Expatriates are---
34 Tests devised to assess a person’s ability to undertake a particular type of work or to learn a particular skill are called—
35 Staffing includes the following-
36 T- group training is also called—
37 Which of the following explains the HRD concept—
38 Job description provides information about---
39 VRS is used for--
40 Which of the following is statutory benefit
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