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MBA 3rd Sem ASODL Inventory Management
MBA 3rd Sem ASODL Inventory Management
Assignment A 1. Do organizations need to carry inventory? Why? 2. What is the relationship between inventory investment and profitability of an organization? 3. Identify at least four alternatives that organizations use as a basis for fixing the order quantity? 4. What is the basis for service level and safety stock? 5. Why organizations adopt a selective system of inventory control? 6. Consider the inventory planning problem. Write down the relevant total cost equation in each of the following – a. The organization can fetch discount on price if large quantities are ordered. b. There is a benefit in transportation cost if ordered in full truckloads. 7. When is it appropriate to use the ABC classification and FSN classification schemes 8. Discuss and write two dimensional scheme of classification using ABC and VED Case study: Please read the case study given below and answer questions given at the end. CASE-STUDY IMPORTANCE OF INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Number of inventory turns of various sectors of Industries in India is as follows Sector of Industry FY 2002 FY2001 FY2000 FY199 Automobile: LCV/HCV 7.19 6.36 7.43 6.19 Automobile: Passenger Car 10.11 8.88 7.98 7.62 Cement 7.68 7.47 7.69 8.04 Computer hardware 9.13 8.89 8.30 8.31 Engineering: General 4.68 5.15 3.51 1.65 Engineering: Heavy 2.50 2.35 2.88 3.46 Pharmaceutical 5.55 5.23 5.38 5.32 Petrochemicals 8.56 3.44 4.93 5.07 Steel 4.99 4.58 4.27 2.81 Av No of Turns 6.71 5.82 5.82 5.39 Av Inventory ( Days) 54 63 63 68 Inventory Management is an important aspect for organizations for a variety of reasons. The foremost reason is the continued dominance of material cost in the total cost of a manufactured product. During 1998-99, brakes India spent about Rs 166 crores in purchase of materials, which accounted nearly 55 percent of goods sold during the year. Hence, proper material planning and control will offer good scope for cost reduction. Secondly, investment in inventory continues to a significant portion of current assets in our country. As shown in the table above, on an average, Indian organizations carry in excess of 50 days of inventory. This is very high considering the international standards, which is in the range of 15-20 days of inventory. On the other hand, some of the best managed companies in our country report high inventory turn. For example, Lucas TVS, Chennai –based auto-electrical manufacturer, reported about 30 inventory turns indicating merely12 days of inventory. The higher the inventory is, higher the total investment (due to increase in the current assets) and lower the retained earnings ( due to higher interest charges on the working capital ) will be . Therefore, inventory investment has a direct multiplier effect on ROI. The higher the investment in inventory, the lower the ROI will be. Go through the case and answer the questions given below- Q1. What are the practical reasons which attribute to high levels of inventory? Q2 Give certain suggestions or specific techniques to overcome the problem. Assignment C 1. Types of inventories are- a) Cyclic stock b) Pipeline inventory c) Safety stock d) All of these 2. Cost of ordering is- a) Stationary cost for Purchase order b) Man hours to issue PO c) Expenses on account of tendering action d) All of these 3. Carrying cost is- a) Transport cost b) Space occupied cost c) Interest cost on stock value d) Both a. & b. 4. Cost of stock out is – a) Loss of production when material is not there b) Stock of finished goods is zero c) Pile up on shop floor 5. Inventory management is for- a) Creating stock out b) Balancing various types of costs c) Making losses d) All the above 6. A class item is- a) Having highest stock b) Having highest value c) Having lowest value d) None of the above 7. C class items constitute- a) 70% of the items in number b) 10% of the items in number c) 30% of the items in number d) None 8. VED stands for- a) Variable, Exact & Double b) Vital, Essential & Desirable c) Value, Efficiency & Direct d) None of the above 9. EOQ stands for- a) Equal basis of quantity b) Economic order quantity c) Economy on quotient d) None of these 10. XYZ is a category of materials based on- a) Urgency b) Frequency c) Weight d) All of these 11. Reorder level is the point where- a) Stock is nil b) Safety stock level c) Service level d) None 12. Expenses on preservation are- a) Carrying cost b) Ordering cost c) Obsolescence cost d) None 13. Ordering cost will be in the case of- a) Imported material b) Indigenous material c) Local purchase d) None 14. Pipe line inventory is- a) Stock in finished god own b) Raw material on shop floor c) Scrap near the machine d) None 15. Seasonal inventories varies- a) On daily basis b) Monthly basis c) Season basis d) None 16. Average inventories in days is- a) Stock piled up in stores b) Finished one c) Both a& b d) None 17. Inventory term stands for- a) Idle resource for future use b) Active resource c) Non value resource 18. High inventory levels have effect on profitability of a firm- a) Positive b) Negative c) No effect d) None 19. Firms are trying to keep inventory lvels- a) Very high b) Moderate c) Very low d) None 20. Inventory management helps in- a) Reduce wastages b) Reduce obsolescence c) Improve quality d) None ] 21. Operating inventories are- a )Min to run production b) For final dispatch c) Both of these d) None 22. Timing of demand stands for- a) Product is seasonally required b) Product is always required c) Both a& b d) None 23. Good inventory management is- a) Replenish the item the moment it is consumed b) Replenish after one day c) Both a& b d) None 24. Insurance charge, when material is in transit is- a) Carrying cost b) Ordering cost c) Obsolescence cost d) None 25. If level of inventory is high- a) Ordering cost will be minimum b) Carrying cost will be Highest c) Both b & c d) None 26. Price discount for large order will- a) Decrease ordering cost b) Increase carrying cost c) Both b & c d) None 27. Instantaneous replenishment will create- a) Zero carrying cost b) Very high carrying cost d) Moderate carrying cost d) None 28. Continuous review of inventory is- a) Two bin system b) One bin system c) Both a& b d)None 29. Periodic review system is- a) Daily basis b) After a certain period c)after one year d) None 30. EOQ balances- Inventory carrying cost b) Inventory ordering cost c) a & b d)Obsolescence cost 31. ABC stands for- a) Always better control b) 80% value & 20% number c) Both a & b d)None 32. ABC & VED combination gives – a) 9 categories for control b) 6 categories c) 3 categories d) None of these 33. Safety stock is- a)Saves the production b) Ensures the continuity of production c) both a & b d) None 34. Lead time is – a) Time taken for material receipt b) Time between placement of order & receiving the material c) Both a & b d) None 35. Spares parts inventory is- a) Cyclic in nature b) Fixed c) Continuous d) None 36. Non moving items are- a) Not in use for a long b) Not shifted from one place c) Both a & b d) None 37. Slow moving items are- a) Moving with a speed of 40 Km /Hr b) Infrequent use c) Regular in use d) None 38. A type of items are- a) Very high in value and less in number b) Very important c) Least important d) None 39. JIT stands for- a)Joint inspection & testing b) Just in time c) Both a & b d) None 40. Standardization of items helps in controlling – a) Variety of components b) Number of components c) Both a & b d) None We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) Note: We are not associate with any university or institute. 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