Behavioural and Allied Sciences

Behavioural and Allied Sciences

1.Explain Type “A” and Type “ B” Personality traits
2.Explain the different behaviour styles for handling conflict.
3.“Stress is both a friend and foe. A mild stress may lead to increase in employee’s job performance while high level of stress has harmful consequences”. Elucidate this statement.
4.Answer any three of the following.
a)Components of Attitudes
b)Concept of Emotional Intelligence
c)Eustress and distress
d)Johari Window
e)Listening Process
5.Quote an example of school/college life where your performance suffered due to stress. Also mention any of your personal/Professional achievements that were due to your ability to handle stress in an effective manner
6.What do you understand by attitude? “Job related attitudes are significant for understanding Organizational Behaviour”. Explain
7.What are the techniques of managing emotions at work? Explain.
8.Explain the importance of self awareness in building self concept.

Case Study
Coping Strategies
This stress audit case study is about Company A, a 100-year-old UK manufacturing organization. The company employs 15,000 people and operates on 50 sites. It primarily supplies the agricultural machinery markets.
The company set itself the objective of pulling itself out of a stagnant loss-making situation and to regain market dominance. It set out to accomplish this by completely redesigning its manufacturing techniques through lessons learnt from Japanese companies. The company also implemented a large-scale programme of organizational restructuring involving decentralization and the establishment of cost centers. However, the payoffs were not as great as expected, even after several years of development.
The programme of large-scale change, in the context of an already ailing business had improved performance at a slower than expected rate. Individuals were experiencing stress also. Changes were being implemented and performance was being improved slowly but at a high personal cost (in terms of health) and high organization cost (in terms of disappointing efficiency increases).
Senior managers presumed that middle managers were experiencing the worst stress, being caught between upper management and the work force. A stress audit was conducted with middle managers at each site. The hypothesis was confirmed by the stress audit. An analysis of the stress audit results indicated that stress levels were greater than expected and that many middle managers had adopted stressed styles of behaviour. The stress audit revealed that many of the middle managers perceived also that several of the changes going on around them were outside their influence or control.
Analysis of stress sources and stress coping strategies employed by the middle managers revealed that the organizational development effort itself had the effect of being a source of stress. This in turn made it difficult for people to cope with the change of working practices.
The organization decided therefore to implement additional programmes of stress counseling, and to address the issues of roll clarity and participation in change planning. The latter were seen as complimentary inputs to the development process. Efficiency gains and a reduction of stress were realized as a result.
Q1. Based on the above case study, what steps the company should take to reduce Organisational stress?

1. Which of the following best explains why an employee behaves as s/he does?
2. Environmental stressors include—
3. The behavioural outcomes of stress can include—
4. Inter personal Intelligence is the ability to—
5. Intra Personal Intelligence is a correlative activity—
6. Recognizing emotions of others—
7. Listening process is-
8. People who go through life watching it around them are—
9. Your five senses and past experiences create your —
10. Critics usually have a _____________attitude about life.
11. The physical presence but the mental absence of the listener can be defined as—
12. Levelling and assimilation takes place in__________ Listening.
13. Which is a deterrent to listening Process?
14. _____________component represents the beliefs of a person about an attitude object.
15. Self esteem has ________interrelated aspects.
16. Absenteeism is an outcome of _________symptoms.
17. Behaviour style for handling any situation should be—
18. ___________ people attempt to get what they want by making others feel sorry or guilty.
19. __________is empathetic Listening
20. Our tendency to seek out the company of others, even if we do not feel particularly close them, is known as—
21. Which of the four components of social support does NOT correspond to information-giving or anxiety reduction?
22. When compared to people who are less physically attractive, attractive people are viewed as being—
23. Characteristics of attitude is—
24. Stressors at workplace is termed as—
25. Eustress is—
26. Factors affecting Organisational Effectiveness are—
27. Consequences of stress can be—
28. The stage of stress where maximum adaption is when the individual restores the equilibrium—
29. ______________occurs when we feel insecure, inadequate, helpless or desperate.
30. There are _____________types of Personality—
31. Type ‘b” Personality is—
32. _______________method does not require the use of judges in scaling the statements.
33. ____________________refers to any incompatibility that an individual might perceive between two or more his attitudes
34. An atmosphere of objectivity and mutual trust can help reduce—
35. In alarm stage, the resistance is—
36. Music—
37. Stress results in—
38. What is the key word in understanding organization structure?
39. Which of the following is true of managers in relationship to conflict?
40. Organization Structures

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Marketing Research/ Research Methodology

MBA Assignment A

Question1. “Food Mania” is a chain of fast food restaurants located in major metropolitan areas in the south. Sales have been growing very slowly for the last two years. Management has decided to add some new items to the menu, but first they want to know more about their customers and their preferences.

a)     List two Hypothesis

b)    What kind of research design is appropriate? Why?

Question2. Develop a plan for conducting a focus group to determine consumers’ attitudes towards and preferences for imported automobiles. Specify the objectives of the focus group, write a screening questionnaire, and develop a moderato’s outline.

Question3. You are in the marketing research department of a firm specializing in developing decision support system (DSS) for the health care Industry. Your firm would like to measure the attitudes of hospital administrators towards DSS. The interview would be conducted by telephone. You have been asked to develop an appropriate scale for this purpose. Management would like you to explain and justify your reasoning in constructing the scale.

Question4. After receiving some complaints from readers, your campus newspaper decides to redesign its front page. Two new formats B and C were developed and tested against the current format,’ A.’ A total of 75 students were randomly selected and 25 students were randomly assigned to each of three format conditions. The students were asked to evaluate the effectiveness of the format on an 11-point scale. ( 1 = Poor, 11 = excellent )

a)     State the null hypothesis

b)    What statistical test should you use?

c)     What are the degrees of freedom associated with the test statistic?

Question5. Describe the appropriate target population and the sampling frame in each of the following situations:

a)     The manufacturer of a new cereal brands want to conduct in home product usage test in Chicago.

b)    A national chain store wants to determine the shopping behavior of customers who have in store charge card.

c)     A local TV station wants to determine households’ viewing habits and programming preferences.

d)    The local chapter of the American Marketing Association wants to test the effectiveness of its new member’s drive in Atlanta.

e)     A distance education institute wants to determine effectiveness of its management programme launched 3 years ago.

Question6. Develop a series of questions for determining the proportion of households with children under age 10 where child abuse takes place. Use the randomized response technique.

Question7. A manufacturer would like to survey users to determine the demand potential for a new power press. The new press has a capacity of 500 tons and cost $225,000.It is used for forming products from lightweight ad heavyweight steel can be used by automobile, construction equipment and major appliance manufacturers.


a)     Identify the population and sampling frame that could be used.

b)    Describe how a simple random sample can be drawn using the identified sampling frame.

c)     Could a stratified sample be used? If so, how?

d)    Could a cluster sample be used? If so, how?

e)     Which sampling technique would you recommend? Why?

Question8. A major department store chain is having an end –of –season sale on refrigerators. The number of refrigerators sold during this sale at a sample of 10 stores was 59.

a)     Is there evidence that an average of more than 50 refrigerators per store were sold during this sale? Use alpha = 0.05

b)     What assumption is necessary to perform this test?

MBA Assignment B

Case Detail :

Read the case study given below and answer the questions given at the end


Case Study

Nike Sprints Ahead of the Competition, Yet Has a Long Way to Run

Nike Inc. located in Beaverton, Oregon is the number one U.S. athletic footwear company and one of the most recognized American brands among foreign consumers. The high degree of recognition is one of the main reasons Nike has been so successful. For the 2005 fiscal year ending May 31, 2005 the company continued to soar, with sales of over $13.7 billion. As of 2006 the company’s trademarks included Nike and Swoosh design and were sold under the brand names Cole Hann, Bauer, and Nike. The company operated 23 distribution centers in Europe, Asia, Australia, Latin America, Africa and Canada.

Perhaps such success could be attributed to its concept based advertising campaigns. The company uses a process that is often called “image transfer”. Nike ads traditionally did not specifically place a product or mention the brand name. A mood or atmosphere is created and than brand is associated with that mood. ”We don’t set out to make ad the ultimate goal is to make connection.” States Dan Wieden, executive at one of Nike’s ad agency. One ad features the Beatles and clips of Nike athletes, Michael Jordan and John McEnroe, Juxtaposed with pictures of regular folk also engaged in sports. It was use to infer that real athletes preferred Nike and that perhaps if general audience buy the brand they will play better, too. Nike’s unpredictable image –based ads have ranged from the shocking, such as its portrayal of real blood and guts in the” search and destroy” campaign used during the 1996 Olympics games, to humors, such as the first ad used to launch Michael Jordan’s brand wear. The latter advertising made the tongue-in-check suggestion that Jordan himself had a hand in the production by sleeping away from a bull’s game at half to run over to his company and than return in time for the games second half.

In 1998 Nike shifted to a new phase in its marketing strategy. Nike emphasized more of its product innovation skills than the jokey, edgy attitude that it displayed in previous year.” We recognize that our ads need to tell consumers that we are about product innovation and not just athletes and exposure. We need to prove to consumer that we are not just slapping a swoosh on stuff to make a buck,” said Chris Zimmerman director of Nike’s U.S. advertising. With the launch of the “I can” campaign, Nike showed fewer of the celebrity athletes who previously usage than in the previous “Just Do It” campaign. Competitors Reebok and Adidas recently featured more product focused ads and were met with a great deal of success. Despite this rearranged focus, Nike did not back away from innovative marketing.

On September 4, 2003 Nike acquired converse Inc. And on august 11, 2004, the company acquired starter properties LLC and Official Starter LLC. On august 4, 2005, Adidas confirmed that it had agreed to acquire Reebok for $3.8 billion. Industry official saw more consolidated ahead.

In 2005, Bill Perez, president and CEO of Nike, stated that developing markets – India, Thailand, Indonesia China, Russia- and the development of Converse , Starter and Nike’s other subsidiary presented big growth opportunity. ”We’ve just scratched the surface in the women’s fitness. In soccer, we have become world’s leading on-field performance brand. And we have been able to leverage that on-field success by creating entirely new category of soccer street foot ware. And we see opportunities like this throughout the portfolio.”

As the company looks ahead of 2010, at the heart of the Nike’s future strategy is the international arena, which could prove to be the most difficult element for Nike to undertake. There seems to be a pretty strong recognition that by 2010, Nike would be largest outside the US than inside. Most recently Nike bought out many of its worldwide distribution centers in order to have greater control of its operation. In the future Nike would like to build up its presence in the key market of India, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, China, and Russia. Nike will focus its advertising on sports and will feature sports that are of particular interest in specific region. Nike realizes that while it is ahead of its competition, it still has a long, long way to run.

Questions 1: Should Nike switch a focus on celebrity to a focus on its products in its advertising? Discuss the role of marketing research in helping Nike management take the decision. What kind of research should be undertaken?

Question 2: How would you describe the buying behavior of consumers with respect to athlete footwear?

Question 3: Define the marketing research problem facing Nike, given the management decision problem you have identified?

Question 4: What is the management decision problem facing Nike as it attempt to retain its leadership position?

MBA Assignment C

  1. The respondent’s perceptions that their identities will not be discerned by the interviewer or the researcher–
  2. Observation bias for mechanical observation–
  3. Pretest-Posttest Control Group is which type of Experimental design?
  4. The process of correcting data to reduce them to the sample scale by subtracting the sample mean and dividing by the standard deviation–
  5. Scale intervals can be used for–
  6. The process of recognizing and noting people–
  7. Descriptive research is a type of–
  8. What is meant by value of research information?
  9. The efficiency of OTC products is checked by–
  10. An extraneous variable involving changes in the; measuring instrument or in the observers or scores themselves—
  11. may be broadly classified as exploratory or conclusive.
  12. The time which a respondent takes before answering the question–
  13. An extraneous variable attributable to the loss of test units while the experiment is in process–
  14. Which one of these is a Market Research Firm?
  15. A focus group technique using a telecommunication network is called–
  16. In Exploratory research design the methods used are-
  17. The research methodology which provides insights and understanding to the problem is–
  18. When is the transcribing process of data preparation irrelevant?
  19. A scale for measuring attitudes that consists of a single adjective in the middle of an even-numbered range of values, from -5 to +5, without a neutral point,is–
  20. Companies that collect and sell common pools of data designed to serve information needs shared by a number of clients is–
  21. Which is a type of limited services?
  22. Types of syndicated services–
  23. The research design which is used to obtain the evidence of cause and effect relationship is–
  24. What is list of all units/observations is known as?
  25. Promotion of cable TV affects the health of a child   1) strongly agrees 2) agree 3) disagree 4) strongly disagree 5) undecided   is an example of–
  26. Multiple choice questions for which usually only two responses are given such as:  yes -no, male- female is termed as–
  27. The summary description of a fixed characteristic or measure of a target population is known as–
  28. Which of the following is a technique of exploratory research design?
  29. Which of the following techniques is commonly used in social science research?
  30. Ranking of a team can de done with the help of–
  31. What is the degree of freedom for F-test?
  32. Which of the following is the source of secondary data?
  33. What is the another name for single cross-sectional designs?
  34. Questions to which the respondents can answer in their own words are–
  35. Number of units to be included in the study is called–
  36. Technique used to motivate respondents to enlarge on, clarify or explain their answers–
  37. Non-metric data can be measured on–
  38. Which of the following represents the middle value when the data is arranged in the ascending or descending order?
  39. Story – telling is an example of
  40. “A Local radio station asks people to call in and express their reactions to some controversial issues “is an example of–

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Human Resource Management

MBA Assignment A

Question1. What do you mean by Human Resource Management? Also discuss, in brief, both the ‘managerial’ and the ‘operative functions’ of Human Resource Management.

Question2. Define the term ‘Human Resource Planning’. Also explain, in brief, the process of Human Resource Planning.

Question3. Discuss the significance of Job Description, Job Analysis Job, Enlargement &Job Enrichment

Question4. Discuss, in brief, the methods of training.

Question5. What are the skills required by executives? Also explain the methods of developing such skills.

Question6. Distinguish between ‘Performance Appraisal’ and ‘Potential Appraisal’.

Also discuss, in brief, the methods of performance appraisal.

Question7. Distinguish between ‘Monetary Rewards’ and ‘Non – Monetary Rewards’.

Also enlist various types of monetary and non-monetary rewards.

Question8. Write short notes on any three of the following:

  1. Emerging HR issues in knowledge industry
  2. Incentive plans for operative staff
  3. Functions of Trade Union
  4. The Expatriate Problems
  5. Existing machinery for settlement of industrial disputes in our country

MBA Assignment B

Case Detail :

Please read the case study given below and answer questions given at the end.

Case Study

Suresh Kumar was production manager for Singer Industries Limited; a Noida based electrical appliance company near Delhi. Suresh had to approve the hiring of new supervisors in the plant. The HR Manager performed the initial screening.
On Friday afternoon, Suresh got a call from Anil Dhavan, Singer’s HR Director. “Suresh” Anil said, “I have just talked to a young engineering graduate from a regional engineering college who may be just who you are looking for to fill that supervisor job you asked me about. He has some good work experience in a multinational firm located in Pune, but at a lower salary level. He wants to come over to Noida where his parents live”. Suresh replied, well, Anilji, “I would take care of the boy”. Anil continued, “He is here right now in my office, I am sending him to you, if you are free”. Suresh hesitated a moment before replying, “Great Sir”, “I am certainly busy today but I can’t afford to displease you either. Sir, send him immediately.”
A moment later, Ranga Rao, the new applicant arrived at Suresh’s office and introduced himself. “Come on in Mr. Rao”, said Suresh. “I’ll be right with you after I make a few urgent phone calls.” Fifteen minutes later, Suresh finished the calls and began interviewing Rao. Suresh was quite impressed. The merit certificates, the best suggestion award form previous multinational firm and Rao’s quick responses revealed the candidate’s potential. Meanwhile, Suresh’s door opened and a supervisor yelled, “We have a small problem on line number 5 and need your help.”
“Sure”, Suresh replied, “Excuse me a minute, Rao.” Fifteen minutes later, Suresh returned and the dialogue continued for another few minutes before a series of phone calls again interrupted him.
The same pattern of interruption continued for the next forty minutes. Rao looked at the watch embarrassingly and said, “I am sorry, Suresh, Sir, I have to go now. I have to catch the train to Pune at 9 P.M.”“Sure thing,  Rao,” Suresh said as the phone rang again.” Call me after a week”.

Question1. What specific policies might a company follow to avoid interviews like this one?

Question2. Explain why Suresh and not Anil should make the selection decision.

Question3. Is it a good policy to pick up candidates through ‘employee referral method’? Why and why not. Explain keeping the case in the background.

MBA Assignment C

  1. The secret of the success of Japanese Companies lies in the fact that:
  2. Human resource management does not look after:
  3. Which of the following is not a true statement in respect of objectives of HRM ?
  4. New concepts like TQM, Kaizen, QWL and Empowerment came into prominence during:
  5. The concept of welfare stage in HRM started from:
  6. Which of the following is managerial function?
  7. HRM is now being considered as:
  8. Which is not true:
  9. Which of the following is not a stage of the process of HR planning?
  10. Once job analysis is conducted, the data reviewed is:
  11. Which is true regarding job analysis:
  12. Job description does not consist of:
  13. Who of the following is not the source of job information in connection with job analysis?
  14. Recruitment is:
  15. Which of the following is not a stage in the process of selection?
  16. Which is not a Psuedo way of selecting applicant?
  17. Career planning is:
  18. Which of the following is not the step in the career planning and development process?
  19.  Which of the following is not on-the-job method of training?
  20. Which of the following is not off-the-job method of training?
  21. Which of the following is not the technique of developing executives?
  22. Which of the following is not the principle of training?
  23. In the paired comparison technique of performance appraisal, which of the following formulae is applied?
  24. Which of the following is not one of the modern methods of performance appraisal?
  25. Which of the following statements regarding MBO is not true?
  26. Which of the following incentive plans is not for blue collar employees?
  27. Which of the following incentive plans is not for white collar employees?
  28. Which of the following is not an incentive plan for individuals under blue collar employees?
  29. Performance based rewards do not include:
  30. The objectives of compensation administration is not to:
  31. Which of the following is not a closely related aspect of wage administration:
  32. Which of the following  is not one of the principles of compensation administration?
  33. Which of these is not an internal cause of indiscipline?
  34. Which of the following is not the objective of labour relations?
  35. Which of the following is not a measure to prevent industrial disputes?
  36. Which of the following is not a part of adjudication machinery?
  37. Which of the following is not the features of collective bargaining?
  38. Which of the following is not a sub part of negotiating stage?
  39. Which of the following is not a type of negotiating procedure:
  40. Which of the following is not the cause for limited success of collective bargaining in India?

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Financial Management

MBA Assignment A

Question1. (a) Should the titles of controller and treasurer be adopted under Indian context? Would you like to modify their functions in view of the company practice in India? Justify your opinion?

(b) A firm purchases a machinery for Rs. 8,00,000 by making a down payment of Rs.1,50,000 and remainder in equal installments of Rs. 1,50,000 for six years. What is the rate of interest to the firm?

Question2. (a) Explain the mechanism of calculating the present value of cash flows.What is annuity due? How can you calculate the present and future values of an annuity due? Illustrate
(b) ”The increase in the risk-premium of all stocks, irrespective of their beta is the same when risk aversion increases” Comment with practical examples

Question3. (a) How leverage is linked with capital structure? Take example of a MNC and Analyze.

(b) The following figures relate to two companies

P LTD.              Q LTD.

(In Rs. Lakhs)

Sales                                                    500                   1,000

Variable costs                                       200                      300

—-                    ——-

Contribution                                          300                      700

Fixed costs                                           150                      400

—-                    ——-

150                             300

Interest                                                  50                      100

—-                    ——-

Profit before Tax                                   100                      200

—-                    ——-

You are required to:

(i)     Calculate the operating, financial and combined leverages for the two companies ; and

Comment on the relative risk position of them

Question4. (a) Define various concepts of cost of capital. Explain the procedure of calculating weighted average cost of capital.

(b) The following items have been extracted from the liabilities side of the balance sheet of        XYZ  Company as on 31st December 2005.

Paid up capital:

4, 00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each                                       40, 00,000


16% non-convertible debentures                                                   20, 00,000

12% institutional loans                                                                 60, 00,000

Other information about the company as relevant is given below as on 31st December 2005

Dividend                        Earning            Average market price

per share                        per share               per share

7.2                             10.50                              65


You are required to calculate the weighted average cost of capital, using book values as weights and earnings/price ratio as the basis of cost of equity. Assume19.2% tax rate

Question5. (a) A company has issued debentures of Rs. 50 Lakhs to be repaid after 7 years. How much should the company invest in a sinking fund earning 12% in order to be able to repay debentures? Show the procedure of loan amortization and capital recovery through an example.

(b) A bank has offered to you an annuity of Rs. 1,800 for 10 years if you invest Rs. 12,000 today. What is the rate of return you would earn?

Question6. The proforma of cost-sheet of HLL provides the following data.



Cost (per unit):


Raw materials 52.0
Direct labour 19.5
Overheads 39.0
Total cost (per unit): 110.5
Profit 19.5
Selling price 130.0


The following is the additional information available:

  • Average raw material in stock: one month;
  • Average materials in process: half month;
  • Credit allowed by suppliers: one month;
  • Credit allowed to debtors: two months;
  • Time lag in payment of wages: one and half weeks;
  • Overheads: one month.
  • One-fourth of sales are on cash basis.
  • Cash balance expected to be Rs. 12,000.


You are required to prepare a statement showing the working capital needed o finance a level of activity of 70,000 units of output. You may assume that production is carried on evenly throughout the year and wages and overheads accrue similarly.


Question7. (a) Through quantitative analysis prove that PI (Profitability Index) is a better technique than NPV (Net Present Value) in Capital Budgeting.

    1. (b) A company is considering the following investment projects:




Projects Cash Flows (Rs.)
Co C1 C2 C3
A – 10,000 + 10,000 —– —–
B – 10,000 + 7,500 + 7,500 —–
C – 10,000 + 2,000 + 4,000 + 12,000
D – 10,000 + 10,000 + 3,000 + 3,000



  1. Rank the project according to each of the following methods:    (1.) Payback, (2.) ARR, (3.) IRR, (4.) NPV assuming discount rates of 10 and 30 per cent.
  2. Assuming the project is independent, which one should be accepted? If the projects are mutually exclusive, which project is the best?


Question8. (a) ” Firm should follow a policy of very high dividend pay-out.” Taking example of two organization comment on this statement.

(b) An investor gains nothing from bonus share “Critically analyze the statement through some real life situation of recent past.


MBA Assignment B

Case Detail :


Question1. Give your recommendations about the proposed investment


Question2. You are required to make these calculations and in the light thereof, advise the finance manager about the suitability, or otherwise, of machine A or machine B.


MBA Assignment C

  1. The main function of a finance manager is
  2. Earnings  per share–
  3. If the cut off rate of a project is greater than IRR, we may–
  4. Cost of equity share capital is —
  5. Degree of the total leverage (DTL) can be calculated by the following formula–
  6. Risk- Return trade off implies–
  7. The goal of a firm should be–
  8. Current Assets minus current liabilities is equal to–
  9. The indifference level of EBIT is one at which–
  10. Money has time value since–
  11. Net working capital is —
  12. The internal rate of return of a project is the discount rate at which NPV is–
  13. Compounding technique is —
  14. For determining the value of a share on the basis of P/E ratio, information is required regarding–
  15. Tandon committee suggested inventory and receivable norms for–
  16. Capital structure of ABC Ltd. consists of equity share capital of Rs. 1,00,000 (10,000 share of Rs. 10 each) and 8% debentures of Rs. 50,000 & earning before interest and tax is Rs. 20,000. The degree of financial leverage is–
  17. The following data is given for a company.  Unit SP = Rs. 2, Variable cost/unit = Re. 0.70, Total fixed cost- Rs. 1,00,000 Interest Charges Rs. 3,668, Output- 1,00,000 units. The degree of operating leverage is–
  18. Market price of equity share of a company is Rs. 25 and the dividend expected a year hence is Rs. 10. The expected rate of dividend growth is 5%. The cost of equal capital to company will be–
  19. The dilemma of “liquidity Vs profitability” arise in case of–
  20. The present value of Rs. 15000 receivable in 7 years at a discount rate of 15% is–
  21. A bond of Rs. 1000 bearing coupon rate of 12% is redeemable at par in 10 yrs. If the required rate of return is 10% the value of bond is–
  22. The EPS of ABC Ltd. is Rs. 10 & cost of capital is 10%.The market price of share at return rate of 15% and dividend pay out ratio of 40% is–
  23. The credit term offered by a supplier is 3/10 net 60.The annualized interest cost of not availing the cash discount is–
  24. The costliest of long term sources of finance is —
  25. Which of the following approaches advocates that the cost of equity capital & debit capital remains unaltered when the degree of leverages varies?
  26. Which of the following is not a feature of an optimal capital structure?
  27. While calculating weighted average cost of capital–
  28. Which of the following factors influence the capital structure of a business entity?
  29. According to the Walters model, a firm should have 100% dividend pay-out ratio when–
  30. Operating cycle can be delayed by–
  31. If net working capital is negative, it signifies that-
  32. Which of the following models on dividend policy stresses on investors preference for the current dividend?
  33. Which of the following is a technique for monitoring the status of receivables?
  34. Average collection period is equal to–
  35. In IRR, the cash flows are assumed to be reinvested in the project at–
  36. In a capital budgeting decision, incremental cash flow mean–
  37. The simple EOQ model will not hold good under which of the following conditions–
  38. The opportunity cost of capital refers to the —
  39. Which of the following factors does not influence the composition of Working Capital requirements ?
  40. The capital structure ratio measure the–

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Business Laws/ Legal Aspects of Business

MBA Assignment A

Question1.  “The fundamental attribute of corporate personality is that company is a legal entity distinct from the members.”Elucidate the statement .Also specify the important features of a company.

Question2. Elaborately explain the essential features of the consumer protection act 1986. Also briefly discuss unfair trade practice and restrictive trade practice as discussed under consumer protection Act?

Question3. What are the characteristics of negotiable Instrument? Discuss the ‘privileges’ of holder in due course as per the provisions of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881? Also state the important amendment to be incorporated under sec 138 of the act.

Question4. Discuss the essential elements of a valid contract.

Question5. Write short notes on any three of the following.

(a)“A stranger to the consideration can enforce the contract”. Explain the exceptions in the following.

i-    Supervening Impossibility

ii-   Novation

(b)Anticipatory breach of Contract

(c) A private company has only 2 shareholders who are also the directors with equal rights of management and voting power. The company has made large profits, but there is a complete deadlock in the management of the company. One of the shareholders applied for the winding up of the company. Decide at what moment does a winding up by the court commence?

(d)   What is a ‘Prospectus’? Is it obligatory for a company to file a prospectus or a statement in lieu of prospectus with the Registrar of Companies?

(e)   What is meant by the rule of ‘Caveat Emptor’ and what are its exceptions?

Question6. Explain – ‘different modes of crossing of a cheque’ and section 138 as per the provisions of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881.

Question7. “A company is a legal person distinct from its members taken individually or collectively”. Comment. Also detail the important features of a company.

Question8. Discuss consumer dispute redressal forums & consumer councils with respect to its pecuniary (Financial) jurisdictions?

MBA Assignment B

Read the case study given below and answer the questions given at the end
Case Study
Aditya Mass Communication Private Limited Vs A.P. state Road Transport Corporation

A.P. State Road Transport Corporation, Hyderabad advertised tender notice on calling for tenders for display of advertisements on the buses owned by it. According to the condition of the Tender Notice, each tender form had to be accompanied by a demand draft for Rs 20 lakhs and tender forms completed in all respects had to be put in the tender box. The accompanying sum of money was the Earnest Money Deposit (E.M.D). Clause (10) of the terms provided that the tender will be opened at 3:00 p.m. on October 31, 1996, in presence of the tenderers or their authorized agents. Clause (14) provided that tenderers will not be permitted to withdraw their tender after the tenders were opened .Clause (15) provided that if the highest tenderer backs out from taking up the agency , for whatsoever reason, the E.M.D. paid by him will be forfeited.

Aditya mass Communication Private Limited submitted its duly filled tender along with demand draft of Rs. 20 lakhs. In relation to this tender, another person approached the High Court and got an order restraining the Transport Corporation from proceeding further with the tender. Following the order, the A.P. State Road Transport Corporation opened the tender box at 3 p.m. and found six sealed covers. In view of the directions of the High Court, the covers were again placed back in the tender box without opening the seals. The signature of the tenderers and their agents was taken to this effect .The tenders were not opened to find out the highest bidder. Aditya Mass Communication Private Limited wrote a letter on November 11, 1996 stating that no reasons were given to him for non-opening of the tenders and that he could not keep the huge amount of Rs 20 lakhs locked in with all the uncertainty associated with the tender. It, thus, requested for return of the Earnest Money Deposit. A.P. State Road Transport Corporation replied on November 14, 1996 that the Aditya Mass communication had signed on the note recording the proceedings of opening the tender box and putting back sealed covers. Thus, it could not put up the argument that no reasons for non-opening of the tender was given on it. The letter notified that the tenders would be opened on November 16, 1996 at 11:30 hrs. Aditya Mass Communication once again wrote a letter on November 15, 1996 that the question of their participation in the opening of tenders did not arise as they asked for the return of E.M.D. The A.P. State Road Transport Corporation went ahead with the opening of the tender, found Aditya Mass Communication to be the highest bidder and awarded the tender to it. Aditya Mass Communication was informed of this but it demanded refund of Earnest Money Deposit. The A.P. State Road Transport Corporation following the terms of tender forfeited the earnest money deposit of Aditya Mass Communication.


Question 1. Elaborately state the important legal issue/s covered under this case.

Question 2. What are the essential features of a tender?

Question 3. Give your reasons in support of your decision for the issue discussed in this case.


MBA Assignment C

  1. Annual – general Meeting is required to be held-
  2. An acceptance is complete and effective only when it has been-
  3. Name of a company can be changed by passing a special resolution and with the approval of-
  4. Which of the following is a mode of discharge of contract-
  5. Limited liability means liability of its-
  6. In a contract of sale, property means-
  7. The goods which are yet to be acquired by the seller, are called-
  8. A contract becomes voidable if it has been caused by-
  9. If the goods have perished, the contract of sale of such specific goods, will become-
  10. Articles can be altered by-
  11. A contract entered into between the parties by words is called-
  12. Acceptance of an offer is complete as against the offeror as soon as-
  13. If a company fails to pay its debts suit can be filed against the-
  14. A contract with a minor is-
  15. Who is liable for the supply of necessaries to a minor-
  16. A prospectus is issued-
  17. When, before the contract becomes due for performance, the promisor declares his intention of not performing his promise, it is called-
  18. A bailment cannot be made about-
  19. The damages which arise in the usual course of things happening from the breach of contract, are called-
  20. When a person is employed to represent another in dealings with third person, it is a contract of-
  21. Which of the following is not an essential element of a contract of sale-
  22. In return for a new television, Raju agrees to give his old television valued at Rs. 3,000 and an amount of cash worth Rs. 5,000 to Ganesh. This is a-
  23. Which of the following rights is held by an unpaid seller-
  24. After exercising the right of lien, the seller can resell the goods of perishable nature-
  25. Which of the following is not a remedy for breach of contract-
  26. A contract by which one party promises to save the other from loss is called-
  27. Surety’s liability is-
  28. Crossed cheques payable to bearer are negotiated by-
  29. In a contract of sale, which of the following is treated as implied condition-
  30. Consideration must move at the desire of-
  31. Which of the following does not relate to ‘termination of agency by operation of law’-
  32. Which of the following sentence is a valid promissory note-
  33. A stipulation collateral to the main purpose of the contract, is called a-
  34. A person who receives a negotiable instrument for consideration, before maturity, and in good faith, is called-
  35. A director must vacate his office if he fails to obtain qualification shares within-
  36. Which of the following rights are available to a finder of goods-
  37. A private company has at least-
  38. A cheque payable to order may be negotiated-
  39. Which of the following endorsements is invalid-
  40. When a cheque bears across its face an addition of the words “&” between two parallel transverse lines, it is called-


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Marketing Management

MBA Assignment A

Question1. Define Marketing Management. Discuss the various management philosophies. Explain how the marketing and selling are contrasted and briefly explain the societal marketing concept.

Question2. Explain the various factors influencing a company’s marketing strategy with the help of suitable examples.

Question3. What do you mean by media scheduling? Explain the procedure for evaluating advertising programes with the help of suitable examples.

Question4. Define sales promotion and discuss the different elements of promotion-mix with the help of suitable examples

Question5. Discuss the marketing plan for a consumer product of your choice and briefly explain the marketing planning process.

Question6. Write short notes on any three of the following a) Relative Market Potential b) Competitive Parity Analysis c) Basic Elements of a Marketing Strategy d) Product Life Cycle e) Market Segmentation

Question7. What is marketing research? Discuss the marketing research process with the help of an example. Briefly explain the different sources of data.

Question8. What do you mean by productivity analysis? Differentiate between productivity analysis and profitability analysis. What are the different steps in the direct and indirect approaches to marketing budgeting?

MBA Assignment B

Case Study

Market Segmentation—

Man’s Fairness The male fairness segment industry is pitched at around Rs. 250 crore and the industry is growing at a scorching 150 percent per year. The industry evidently has woken up to the fact that the metro-sexual and has a large appetite for beauty (the industry expression is “male grooming”) products, particularly driven by a desire to look as fair as the fairer SEX. ABC Company recently launched ‘GROOM PLUS’ the first men’s fairness cream and claims that the market feedback is highly positive and encouraging. It is now planning an extension of “GROOM PLUS” to products Iike bleaches, shaving creams, Lotions etc. Hitherto men used fairness cream /bleach that were available in parlour packs. Subsequent research showed that men prefer bleach of their own with its own fragrance and specific skin type formulations, especially branded ones.

Question 1: Suggest bases for segmentation of market for groom plus products

Question 2: Discuss the importance of packaging in marketing of the above product range

Question 3: Suggest a suitable promotion mix for creating awareness of the above range of products.

MBA Assignment C

1. The Selling Concept is

A. Products
B. Customer needs
C. Markets
D. None of the above

2. Market Means

A. The set of actual and potential sellers of a product
B. The set of actual and potential buyers of a product
C. Both buyers and sellers
D. None of the above

3. BCG stands for

A. Boston consumer goods
B. Boston credit groups
C. Bosston consultancy groups
D. Both a and b

4. Marketing Mix Elements are

A. Product, price, place, and customers
B. Product, price, place and promotion
C. Product, price, place and physical distribution
D. Both b and c

5. Diversification means

A. A strategy for company growth by starting up or acquiring businesses outside the company’s current products and markets
B. A stage for company growth and starting up or acquiring other companies and their products
C. A unit which deals in many products and services
D. Both b and c

6. SBU stands for
A. State bank of Uttaranchal
B. Strategic business unit
C. Semi brand units
D. None of the above

7. Market Segmentation is

A. The process of classifying customer’s into groups, each with different needs, characteristics or behaviors.
B. The process of classifying the markets into groups each with same needs and characteristics
C. The process of making the dealers and distributors happy about the products
D. None of the above

8. Strategic Control means

A. A critical review of the company’s overall production effectiveness
B. A critical review of the company’s overall financial effectiveness
C. A critical review of the company’s overall marketing effectiveness
D. None of the above

9. Changes in incomes

A. An economic environmental factor
B. A political environment factor
C. A socio cultural environment factor
D. Both b and c

10. Status is

A. The general life style given by the society
B. The general esteem given to a role by society
C. The symbol in the market
D. None of the above

11. The first step in strategic planning is

A. Defining the company’s mission
B. Designing the marketing program
C. Designing the business portfolio
D. None of the above

12. The 4c’s of the marketing mix tactical tool kit are

A. Customer, cost, convienee and curve
B. Customer, cost, convience and coverage
C. Customer, cost, convienence and communication
D. None of the above

13. Promotion mix elements are

A. Price, advertising, publicity and sales promotion
B. Advertising, sales promotion, publicity and personal selling
C. Personal selling, strategy, advertising and publicity
D. Both a and c

14. Marketing productivity audit includes:

A. Products, price and distribution analysis
B. Profitability analysis and cost effectiveness analysis
C. Advertising and sales force analysis
D. Both a and c

15. Demography is

A. The study of human population in terms of size, location, age, gender, race, occupation and other statistics
B. The study of the marketing plans
C. The study of all the activities in the organization
D. None of the above

16. A sample is a

A. Segment of the area in the market
B. Segment of the population selected to represent the population as a whole
C. Part of the data
D. Both a and c

17. The two types of sales forecasts are:

A. Industry and the market sales forecasts
B. Industry and the price forecasts
C. Industry and the company sales forecasts
D. None of the above

18. PVCM stands for

A. Percentage and value cost margin
B. Percentage-variable contribution margin
C. Percentage value cost margin
D. Both a and c

19. Inventory turnover is

A. Gross margin/price
B. Sales/cost
C. Sales/average value of inventory
D. Both a and b

20. The product is now more widely known and the sales grow rapidly is the stage of

A. Introduction stage
B. Maturity
C. Growth
D. Decline

21. The 4 stages of the PLC

A. Growth, introduction, maturity and decline
B. Growth introduction maturity and new
C. Introduction, decline, new product, growth
D. Both a and c

22. The new product development process starts with

A. screening
B. idea generation
C. product development
D. none of the above

23. The process of creating and developing product specifications that optimize the function, value and appearance of the product is

A. Product design
B. Market design
C. Industrial design
D. None of the above

24. Setting a price at or near competitive levels is

A. Penetrating pricing
B. Parity pricing
C. Competition pricing
D. Both a and c

25. In advertising, GRP stands for

A. Grand rating points
B. Growth rating points
C. Gross rating points
D. None of the above

26. Inventory cost is

A. Annual sales/inventory turnover X inventory carrying cost
B. Total sales/inventory carrying costs
C. Total costs/annual cost
D. Both b and c

27. The systematic design, collection analysis, and reporting of data relevant to
a specific marketing situation facing an organization is

A. Market research
B. Marketing research
C. Product research
D. Both a and c

28. In collecting primary data, the two main research instruments are:

A. Mechanical devices and the telephonic conversation
B. Questionnaire and the mechanical device
C. Questionnaire and the telephonic conversation
D. None of the above

29. VMS stand for

A. Vertical marketing system
B. Vertical management system
C. Value marketing system
D. Vertical measuring system

30. A descriptive thought that a person has about something is called

A. Idea
B. Belief
C. Value
D. Description

31. The collection of businesses and products that make up the company is

A. Product portfolio
B. Business portfolio
C. Market portfolio
D. Both a and c

32. Two or more outlets that are commonly owned and controlled are

A. Business stores
B. Chain store
C. Products
D. None of the above

33. The practice of using the established brand names of two different companies on the same product

A. Branding
B. Re branding
C. Co-branding
D. None of the above

34. The set of basic values, Perceptions, wants and behaviors learned by a member of society from family and the important institutions is known as

A. Culture
B. Sub culture
C. Attitude
D. None of the above

35. The total combines lifetime values of all the company’s customers is called

A. Product equity
B. Customer equity
C. Market equity
D. Both a and c

36. CRM stands for

A. Cost recovery management
B. Customer relationship management
C. Customer role in management
D. None of the above

37. Adding a standard mark up to the cost of the product is

A. Differentiated pricing
B. Cost plus pricing
C. Cost only pricing
D. None of the above

38. Human wants that are backed by buying power are called

A. Products
B. Demands
C. Markets
D. Both a and c

39. Stocking the product in as many outlets as possible is called

A. Extensive distribution
B. Inclusive distribution
C. Intensive distribution
D. None of the above

40. In marketing, MIS stands for

A. Management information system
B. Marketing information system
C. Market idea system
D. Major information system

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