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Organisational Behavior
Organisational Behavior
We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) assignment solution help, assignment answers help, Assignment Help Organisational Behavior SECTION A Q.1. What are the causes of organizational conflict? How could they get over come, state suitable examples. Q.2. Discuss transactional analysis and also elaborate the JOHARI WINDOW. Q.3. List the traits of personality. Define various types of personality. Q.4. How learning leaves its impact on the mind of people? What is the role of learning on organization behavior? Q.5. What is OB? Discuss importance and scope of organisation behaviour. SECTION B CASE STUDY: Rohit is the Associate Director of a non-profit agency that provides assistance to children and families. he is the head of a department that focuses on evaluating the skill-building programs the agency provides to families. he reports directly to the agency leadership. As a whole, the agency has been cautious in hiring this year because of increased competition for federal grant funding. However, they have also suffered high staff turnover. Two directors have left, as well as three key research staff, and one staff person from the finance department. Rohit has a demanding schedule that requires frequent travel; however he supervises two managers, who in turn are responsible for five staff members each. Both managers have been appointed within the last six months. Manager 1: Mohan has a specific background in research. he manages staff who provide research support to another department that delivers behavioral health services to youth. Mohan supports his staff and is very organized; however, he often takes a very black and white view of issues. Upper level leadership values Mohan’s latest research on the therapeutic division’s services. Mohan is very motivated, driven, and expects the same from his staff. Manager 2: Rajat has a strong background in social science research and evaluation. he manages staff that work on different projects within the agency. he is known as problem solver and is extremely supportive of his staff. he is very organized and has a wealth of experience in evaluation of family services. he is very capable and can sometimes take on too much. The managers are sensing that staff are becoming over-worked as everyone takes on increased responsibilities due to high staff turnover. Staff have also mentioned that Rohit’s “glass half-empty” conversation style leaves them feeling dejected. In addition, rohit has not shared budgets with his managers, so they are having difficulty appropriately allocating work to staff. mohan said he has not received sufficient information from the finance department to complete the budgets. The finance department said they have sent him all the information they have available. As staff become distressed, the managers are becoming frustrated. They feel like they are unable to advocate for their staff or problem solve without key information like the departmental budget 1. What kind of problem the department is facing? 2. What is the solution of problem in your point of view? 3. What step must be taken to build up staff confidence? We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) assignment solution help, assignment answers help, Assignment Help SECTION C QUESTION 1 Organization Behaviour is not a /an A separate field of study Applied science Normative science Pessimistic approach QUESTION 2 Most valuable asset in an organization is Land and building Cash and bank balances Human being technology QUESTION 3 A study of human behaviour in organizational settings is Individual behaviour Group behaviour Organizational behaviour None of these QUESTION 4 Which of the following is a method of measuring attitude? Opinion survey Interview Scaling techniques All the above QUESTION 5 Sathish has a low absenteeism rate. He takes responsibility for his health and has good health habits. He is likely to have a(an): Internal locus of control External locus of control Core locus of control High emotional stability level QUESTION 6 Cognitive theory of learning was given by Skinner Pavlov Tolman Piajet QUESTION 7 What role did the meat play in Pavlov s experiment with dogs? an unconditioned response a conditioned stimulus a conditioned response an unconditioned stimulus QUESTION 8 Most of the learning that takes place in the Class room is Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Cognitive learning Social learning QUESTION 9 a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of experience Behaviour modification Learning Motivation Skills QUESTION 10 Experiments performed by Ivan Pavlov led to what theory? classical conditioning operant conditioning social learning behavior shaping QUESTION 11 Which of the following is not a biographical characteristic? political affiliation age Sex tenure QUESTION 12 Factors other than satisfaction that impact one s decision to leave a current job include all of the following EXCEPT: Labour market conditions Length of tenure with the organization Organizational citizenship behaviour Expectations about alternative job opportunities QUESTION 13 Which of the following is a reason that the study of organizational behaviour is useful? Human behavior does not vary a great deal between individuals and situations. Human behavior is not random. Human behavior is not consistent. Human behavior is rarely predictable QUESTION 14 is a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of experience Behaviour modification Learning Motivation Skills QUESTION 15 Which of the following is/are OD intervention techniques Solve by contact for details at 8882309876 Sensitivity training MBO Quality of work life All the above QUESTION 16 Today s organization are Open system Closed system Open as well as closed None of these QUESTION 17 "Which dimension of Big 5 personality traits represents artistically sensitive, refined etc. " Culture Emotional stability Conscientiousness Extroversion QUESTION 18 Two people see the same thing at the same time yet interpret it differently. Where do the factors that operate to shape their dissimilar perceptions reside? the perceivers the target the timing the context QUESTION 19 What do we call the view that we can learn both through observation and direct experience? situational learning theory classical learning social learning theory the Pavlov principle We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) assignment solution help, assignment answers help, Assignment Help QUESTION 20 Extension of behaviour modification into organization is called Enrichment Enlargement OB Mod OB Ext QUESTION 21 Which of the following statements about the field of organizational behavior is FALSE? "OB is the study of what people think, feel and do in and around organizations." OB emerged as a distinct field of inquiry in the 1940s. "OB is a self-contained discipline, independent of other disciplines" OB theories are usually tested using the scientific method. QUESTION 22 Which of the following is/are the key features of organization Social invention Accomplishing goals Group efforts All of these QUESTION 23 Psychology s major contributions to the field of organizational behavior have been primarily at what level of analysis? the level of the group the level of the individual the level of the organization the level of the culture QUESTION 24 What is the most relevant application of perception concepts to OB? the perceptions people form about each other the perceptions people form about their employer the perceptions people form about their culture the perceptions people form about society QUESTION 25 Which of the following is not a trait dimension in Big 5 personality trait? Extroversion Agreeableness Ego Culture QUESTION 26 Which of the following is / are not direct method to solve intergroup conflicts Domination by the management Removing key figures in conflict Persuasion Problem solving QUESTION 27 What is the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment? Interpretation environmental analysis Outlook perception QUESTION 28 What do we call it when we judge someone on the basis of our perception? Stereotyping Categorizing Halo effect Prototyping QUESTION 29 Which of the following is an environmental force that shapes personality? Gender Height Experience Brain size QUESTION 30 Which is also known as a non- reinforcement Punishment Negative reinforcement Extinction all the above QUESTION 31 is the dynamic organization within the individual that determine his unique adjustment to the environment Perception Attitude Behaviour personality QUESTION 32 Operant conditioning argues that . behaviour is reflexive behaviour is unlearned behaviour is a function of its consequences the tendency to repeat a behaviour is very strong QUESTION 33 Which of the following is / are included as structure of human mind a. Id Ego Super ego ID All the above QUESTION 34 is a person s belief about his chances of successfully accomplishing specific task Self esteem Job satisfaction Self efficacy QUESTION 35 once view of reality Attitude Perception Outlook Personality QUESTION 36 Organization Behaviour is An interdisciplinary approach A humanistic approach Total system approach All of these QUESTION 37 "Mr. Sunil s one-day salary was deducted because of his uninformed leave, as he was already warned about this behaviour. It is an example of which method of shaping behaviours?" Reinforcement Positive Reinforcement Punishment Negative Reinforcement QUESTION 38 "In Pavlov s experiment, the bell was a/an" unconditioned stimulus unconditioned response conditioned stimulus conditioned response QUESTION 39 "_____ is the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations." OB Marketing Sociology Psychology QUESTION 40 . A study of human behaviour in organizational settings is Individual behaviour Group behaviour Organizational behaviour None of these We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) assignment solution help, assignment answers help, Assignment Help

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