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Performance & Competency Management
1 Define the purpose of Career Managemnet and developmentsystem
2 What are the main determinants of Job Performance?
3 Define Competency and the various types of Competencies?
4 Define Performance management?
5 Explain the factors which affect the human performance system?
6 what is Performance Review?
7 What is Job Evaluation?
8 What is result oriented approach?
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Case study
Mr. Shroff is a talented and well experienced human resources manager of Britestar Company. He undertakes his role of HR manager by being an administrative expert and a change agent. He has always been an inspiration for his subordinates and the employees whose performance is measured and appraised by him. It is because of Mr.Shroff’s 15 years of experience of working in HR departments helped him to get acquainted with various Performance Appraisal methods for evaluating the performance of his employees in a better way every time.
He had always been implementing only those methods which he found result-oriented in terms of enabling the employees to know about their performance in the organization, to help them in providing adequate training, if required, to increase their potential, to provide concrete feedback and evaluate their current job performance to determine transfer, retention and termination of employees. He has been working in Britestar since last 5 years and has gained good amount of respect and faith from his employees due to his appropriate and fair performance appraisal techniques that facilitated the uses of performance appraisal. The mostly used techniques by him are Checklist method, 360°Feedback and Assessment centers.
Because of Mr. Shroff’s good rapport and close relations in the recent months with his subordinates Ram Kumar and P.K. Gupta, he has developed a new tendency to appraise the performance of those employees known to Kumar and Gupta with leniency and because he finds them similar to him (personality and knowledge wise). As a result of this unfair and inappropriate appraisal of Mr.Shroff, he also evaluates the performance of the employees taking into account their recent performances only. Hence, most of the employees’ productivity has reduced and is inefficient, even some of the good employees have become irresponsible towards their tasks along with different behavior showing no interest to put in their best efforts to realize the goals and mission of the company. Some employees are planning to resign as no proper feedbacks are provided when required and no better prospects for Promotions are expected to see the light of the day.
Q.No 1: Discuss different performance appraisal methods used by Mr.Shroff.
Q.No 2: Discuss the role of Mr.shroff as an HR manager?
Q.No 3: Does 360 degree appraisal method is effective way to find out productivity of an employee?
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1. Which of these is an issue while designing an appraisal programme?
(A): Quality
(B): What methods of appraisal are to be used
(C): Quantity
(D): Cost of effectiveness
2. _______ is defined as the record of outcomes produced on a specific job function or activity during a specific time period
(A): Performance
(B): Work function
(C): Evaluation
(D): None of the above
3. ______ is the personnel activity by means of which the enterprise determines the extent to which the employee is performing the job effectively.
(A): Job evaluation
(B): Work evaluation
(C): Performance evaluation
(D): None of the above
4. College Professors are generally evaluated on the following Work function(s)
(A): Teaching
(B): Service
(C): Research
(D): All of the above
5. In which evaluation method, the evaluator is asked to describe the strong and weak aspects of the employee’s behaviour.
(A): Graphic rating scale
(B): Forced choice
(C): Essay evaluation
(D): Management by Objective
6. The following system combines the superior and self evaluation systems?
(A): Graphic rating scale
(B): Forced choice
(C): Essay evaluation
(D): Management by Objective
7. In this technique, personnel specialists and operating managers prepare lists of statements of very effective and very ineffective behavior for an employee.
(A): Critical incident technique
(B): Forced choice
(C): Essay evaluation
(D): Management by Objective
8. The following technique(s) is based on the critical incident approach.
(A): Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)
(B): Critical incident technique
(C): Both (A) and (B)
(D): None of the above
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9. Paired comparison method can be used by
(A): Superiors
(B): Peers
(C): Subordinates
(D): All of the above
10. The multiple-input approach to performance feedback is sometimes called ____ degree assessment.
(A): 90
(B): 180
(C): 270
(D): 360
11. a/an ______ is a plan or programmes to motivate individual or group performance.
(A): Incentive scheme
(B): Promotion scheme
(C): Reward
(D): None of the above
12. An incentive plan may consist of
(A): Monetary
(B): Nonmonetary
(C): Both monetary’ and nonmonetary
(D): None of the above
13. A/An ______ is a vertical move in rank and responsibility.
(A): Increment
(B): Appraisal
(C): Promotion
(D): None of the above
14. The following technique is used to evaluate an employee individually.
(A): Graphic scale rating
(B): Ranking
(C): Paired comparison
(D): Forced distribution
15. The technique that have been used to evaluate an employee in comparison with other employees
(A): Ranking
(B): Forced choice
(C): Essay evaluation
(D): Critical incident technique
16. The Recognition may be shown in the form of
(A): A pat on the back of employee
(B): Promotion
(C): Assignment of more interesting tasks
(D): All of the above
17. ______ is an objective assessment of an individual's performance against well-defined benchmarks.
(A): Performance Appraisal
(B): HR Planning
(C): Information for goal identification
(D): None of the above
18. What is linked with performance appraisal?
(A): Job Design
(B): Development
(C): Job analysis
(D): None of the above
19. Which of the following is an alternate term used for performance appraisal?
(A): Quality and quantity of output
(B): Job knowledge
(C): Employee assessment
(D): None of the above
20. Which of these is the main purpose of employee assessment?
(A): Making correct decisions
(B): To effect promotions based on competence and performance
(C): Establish job expectations
(D): None of the above
21. How performance appraisal can contribute to a firm's competitive advantage?
(A): Ensures legal compliances
(B): Minimising job dissatisfaction and turnover
(C): Improves performance
(D): All of the above
22. From the strategic point of view, in which three categories can an organisation be grouped?
(A): Defenders
(B): Prospectors
(C): Analysers
(D): All of the above
23. Successful defenders use performance appraisal for identifying ____________.
(A): Staffing needs
(B): Job behaviour
(C): Training needs
(D): None of the above
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24. Analysers tend to emphasise both ______ and _______ and employee extensive training programmes.
(A): Skill building and skill acquisition
(B): Current performance and past performance
(C): Strategy and behaviour
(D): None of the above
25. What do successful analysers tend to examine?
(A): Division and corporate performance evaluation
(B): Current performance with past performance
(C): Ideal appraisal process
(D): None of the above
26. Second step in process of management by objectives is to
(A): guided setting of objective
(B): ongoing performance discussion
(C): review job and agreement
(D): develop performance standards
27. Competitive advantage in form of human capital of organization is considered as
(A): strategic human resource management
(B): workforce management
(C): effectivity management
(D): efficiency management
28. Concept in which pay for jobs that require similar skills, abilities and knowledge without taking duties into consideration is called
(A): pay equity
(B): pay exemption
(C): pay primacy
(D): distributive pay
29. Payments made to employees for amount of time in which employee has worked are classified as
(A): variable pay
(B): salaries
(C): base pay
(D): wages
30. Compensation given with base pay linked to individual team or organizational performance is classified as
(A): variable pay
(B): salaries
(C): base pay
(D): wages
31. Which best describes the difference between mission and strategy?
(A): The mission sets goals for the board of directors while the strategy sets targets for managers.
(B): The mission includes objectives for the next five years whereas the strategy sets them out for just the year ahead
(C): Mission sets the vision of a business while strategy sets out the plan to achieve the mission
(D): The mission describes the business plan in words while the strategy sets it out in numbers.
32. Which best describes the process of benchmarking?
(A): Comparison of actual performance with budget
(B): Comparison of the costs of one product with another
(C): Comparison of direct competitors' performance
(D): Comparison of the performance of one operation or business with another
33. In which of the four perspectives of a balanced scorecard would Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) be likely to appear?
(A): Financial
(B): Customer
(C): nternal processes
(D): Learning and growth
34. In which of the four perspectives of a balanced scorecard is the objective 'reduce staff turnover' mostly likely to be?
(A): Financial
(B): Customer
(C): nternal processes
(D): Learning and growth
35. What is a lagging performance indicator?
(A): An indicator that can anticipate future performance
(B): Delayed reporting of performance
(C): An indicator that highlights past performance
(D): An indicator that depends on another performance measure
36. What is 'strategy mapping' in the balanced scorecard?
(A): Identifying causal links between the four perspectives
(B): Mapping the business' processes
(C): Setting the mission
(D): Agreeing the strategy with the director of the business
37. If a business reports on the number of products not made to a sufficiently high quality, what kind of measure is this?
(A): A qualitative measure
(B): A quantitative measure
(C): Neither a qualitative measure nor a quantitative measure
(D): Both a qualitative measure and a quantitative measure
38. Which costing system is often used to calculate customer profitability?
(A): Absorption costing
(B): Marginal costing
(C): Activity-based costing
(D): Variable costing
39. Which costing systems can often be used to calculate product profitability?
(A): Absorption and activity-based costing
(B): Marginal costing
(C): Activity-based costing
(D): Variable costing
40. Which of the following are the principles in the Code of Ethics set out by the International Federations of Accountants.
(A): Integrity, objectivity, confidentiality and professional competence
(B): Integrity, objectivity, professional competence, confidentiality and professional behaviour.
(C): Integrity, objectivity, confidentiality and professional behaviour
(D): Integrity, objectivity, professional competence and confidentiality
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