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We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) ASSIGNMENT DRIVE FALL 2016 PROGRAM MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) SEMESTER IV SUBJECT CODE & NAME MF0016 – TREASURY MANAGEMENT Q.1. Give the meaning of treasury management. Explain the need for specialized handling of treasury and benefits of treasury. Explanation of treasury management Explanation of need for specialized handling of treasury Explanation of benefits of treasury Q.2. Explain foreign exchange market. Write about all the types of foreign exchange markets. Explain the participants in foreign exchange markets. Explanation of foreign exchange market Explanation of type of foreign exchange market Explanation of participants in foreign exchange market Q.3. Write an overview of risk mitigation. Explain the processes of risk containment. Write about the tools available for managing risks. Explanation of risk mitigation Explanation of basic steps in a typical risk containment process Explanation of tools available for managing risks Q.4. What is Interest Rate Risk Management (IRRM)? Write the components and features of IRRM. Explain the macro and micro factors affecting interest rate. Explanation of IRRM Explanation of components and features of IRRM Explanation of factors affecting interest rate Q.5. Explain the contents of working capital. Write down the need for working capital. Explanation of contents of working capital Explanation of need for working capital Q.6. Explain the concepts and benefits of integrated treasury. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of operating treasury. Explanation of concepts and benefits of integrated treasury Explanation of advantages and disadvantages of operating treasury We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only)

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