Database Management System
Q1. What are the disadvantages of flat-file system
Q2. What are different database constraints ?
Q3. What is the difference between internal & external schema ?
Q4. What are the characteristics of data in the database?
Q5. What are the views ? How are they useful?
Q6. What is the difference between Union & Set Intersection Operation.
Q7. Explain the DBMS architecture in detail.
Q8. What is ER model? Draw ER diagram for a Hospital Management System.
Q1. Suggest a suitable database design to maintain above mentioned data keeping in mind the redundancy and consistency of data.
Q2. Mention all your assumptions to justify your answer
1. Where is a single element of data stored?
2. Which is true about the primary key?
3. A foreign key:
4. Which is not a program that can create a database?
5. The normalization process is:
6. Which clause is required in an SQL query for getting information from a database?
7. How many fields can be specified in the SELECT clause?
8. Which is the symbol for selecting all the fields in a table?
9. The WHERE clause is used to restrict the number of ____ retrieved by an SQL statement.
10. Which property of the database must the connection object contain?
11. Database management systems are used to
12. Ascending order of data hierarchy is
13. The diagrams which are used to distribute files, libraries and tables across topology of hardware are called
14. Rows of a relation are called
15. Given an attribute x, another attribute y is dependent on it, if for a given x
16. By redundancy in a file based system we mean that
17. Data integrity in a file based system may be lost because
18. Which command is used to set a link between two database files
19. Data item characteristics that are important in data management include
20. Fragmentation of a file system
21. Administrative supervision of database activities is responsibility of
22. By data security in DBMS we mean
23. A check pointing system is needed
24. Which is a type of DBMS software
25. The candidate key is that you choose to identify each row uniquely is called
26. …... is used to determine whether of a table contains duplicate rows.
27. To eliminate duplicate rows ……………… is used
28. DCL stands for
29. ……… is the process of organizing data into related tables.
30. A ………… Does not have a distinguishing attribute if its own and mostly are dependent entities, which are part of some another entity.
31. ……… is preferred method for enforcing data integrity
32. The number of tuples in a relation is called its ………….
33. Which two files are used during operation of the DBMS?
34. The way a particular application views the data from the database that the application uses is a
35. The relational model feature is that there
36. The database schema is written in
37. Which of the following are the properties of entities?
38. The number of attributes in a relation is called its ………
39. Which are the two ways in which entities can participate in a relationship?
40. …..defines the structure of a relation which consists of a fixed set of attribute-domain pairs.
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