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MBA Human Resource-I YEAR JNU
MBA Human Resource-I YEAR JNU
We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 1 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBA– 101 Paper Title: Business Environment Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) Name two elements of internal environment affecting business. (ii) What is multi national enterprise? (iii) Give two suggestions to the problems of small scale industries. (iv) Define privatization. (v) What do you understand by fiscal policy? Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. What is technology? Explain the impact of technology on business Q. 3. Explain Monetary policy & its effect on business Q. 4. What is International Trade? Explain various Trade Reforms related to foreign trade announced in India in recent times. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 2 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBA – 101 Paper Title: Business Environment Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) Name two elements of external environment affecting business. (ii) What do you understand by globalization? (iii) What is monetary policy? (iv) What is Disinvestment? (v) What is International Trade? Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. Explain various challenges to disinvestment programme. Q. 3. Explain Fiscal policy & its effect on business Q. 4. What is Foreign Direct Investment? Explain its importance. Explain government policies regarding FDI. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 1 MBA O Ist YEAR Paper Code: MBA O – 108 Paper Title: TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT. Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.It carries FIVE marks. Words limit: (50-100 Words) Q. 1. Answer all the questions. i. Define Technology Management. ii. Any five roles of Technology Management. iii. What are the different forms of technology? Mention them. iv. Name any two new technologies which are very helpful to mankind. v. Define technology monitoring. Answer any two questions.Each carries FIVE marks. Words limit: (500 Words) Q.1 Explain in detail the impact of technology on society and how it is beneficial to mankind. Q.2 “In changing environment the role of government is increasing in developing technology”. What steps are taken by the government? Explain them. Q.3 Write short notes on : a. Extrapolation b. Morphological Analysis We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 2 MBA O Ist YEAR Paper Code: MBA O – 108 Paper Title: TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT. Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.It carries FIVE marks. Words limit: (50-100 Words) Q. 1. Answer all the questions A What is meant by technology development? B. Define creativity. C. What is meant by term “Diffusion”? D. What are the two advantages of Technology Management? E. “Technology is enhancing the human aspects from organization”. Comment. Answer any two questions.Each carries FIVE marks. Words limit: (500 Words) Q.1 Explain with the help of a diagram “Mission flow”. Q.2 Explain in detail “Technological leadership”. Q.3 What are the various technological forecasting methods. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 1 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBA – 102 Paper Title: Organization Behaviour Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) “Management is a continuous process”. Elucidate the statement. (ii) Enumerate the steps of control process. (iii) Distinguish between “Line” and Line and staff organization. (iv) Write a short note on: a) Locus of Control and b) Machiavellianism (v) Compare and contrast Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation with herzberg’s two factor theory of motivation. Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. “Management is the art of getting things done through other people.” Explain the importance of management in the light of this statement. Q. 3. What do you mean by learning? Discuss the elements which form the part of learning process. Q. 4. Discuss the situations under which group decision making is better than individual decision making. Suggest some measures to improve group decision making. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 2 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBA – 102 Paper Title: Organization Behaviour Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) Define coordination (ii) “Controlling is looking back.” Comment. (iii) “Human Behavior is generally caused and predictable.” Explain (iv) Write a short note on application of perception in organization. (v) What do you mean by group cohesiveness? Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. Discuss the 14 principles of management as given by Henry Fayol. Q. 3. What are the leadership qualities that you would look for in a manager? Distinguish between innate and acquirable qualities with examples. Q. 4. Describe the ways in which people may overcome the negative consequences of stress. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 1 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBA – 103 Paper Title: Managerial Economics Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) Distinguish between perfectly elastic demand and perfectly inelastic demand (ii) Define marginal revenue. (iii) What is opportunity cost? (iv) What is product differentiation? (v) What do you understand by disposable income? Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limit 500) Q. 2. What is elasticity of demand? Explain different types & degrees of elasticity of demand. Q. 3. Explain law of variable proportion with help of suitable diagrams. Q. 4. Define national income. Discuss the methods measuring National Income with suitable example. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 2 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBA – 103 Paper Title: Managerial Economics Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) “Two indifference curves cannot touch or intersect each other”. Explain why? (ii) What is elasticity of substitution? (iii) Explain any one good effect of Monopoly. (iv) What is homogeneity of product? (v) Name the stages of business cycle. Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility. What is its importance? Q. 3. Explain different determinants of demand. Q. 4. Define national income. Explain the relationship between national income & economic welfare. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 1 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBA / PGDHRM-104 Paper Title: Industrial Relations & Labour Law Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: 1) Explain any two problems of trade union. 2) What do you understand by Employer’s Association? 3) What do you understand by worker’s participation in management? 4) Name the Objectives of Industrial relations. 5) Give two importance of standing order for employees. Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q.2 Explain the importance of harmonious Industrial relations to Organisation & Employees. Q.3 What is industrial Dispute? Explain the methods of dispute settlement. Q.4 Explain main Provisions of Payment of Bonus act, 1965. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 2 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBA / PGDHRM-104 Paper Title: Industrial Relations & Labour Law Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: 1) Name the three parties of Industrial Relations. 2) What is collective bargaining? 3) Explain any one role of government in industrial relations. 4) What will be the composition of “Work Committee” according to industrial Dispute Act 5) Name any two employee welfare related labour law acts. Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2 Explain the process of registration of trade union in India. Q.3 Explain main provision of Maternity benefit act, 1961. Q.4 Explain the role of trade union in better Industrial relations. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 1 Master of Business Administration / PGDHRM Paper Code: MBAH – 105 Paper Title: Organization Development & Change Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) State any two values in organization development. (ii) Define the term “Interventions”. (iii) Any two differences between coaching and mentoring. (iv) What do you mean by contingency approach? (v) Any two reasons for the failure of organization development. Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. Explain the organization development process with the help of a model. Q. 3. What is the role of group dynamics in organization? Mention its two advantages. Q. 4. Explain the factors responsible for failure and success of organization development & change. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 2 Master of Business Administration / PGDHRM Paper Code: MBAH – 105 Paper Title: Organization Development & Change Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) Define organization development and change. (ii) What is third party peace making interventions? (iii) Two advantages of instrumental training. (iv) State the reason of change in organization. (v) Devine “Power”. Note: answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. Explain the various assumptions and beliefs in organization development & change. Q. 3. What is planned changed & why it is needed in an organisation. Q. 4. Explain the relation of politics and organization development. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 1 Master of Business Administration / PGDHRM Paper Code: MBAH – 106 Paper Title: Compensation System Administration Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) Define compensation. (ii) What is internal equity? (iii) What is 401K plan? (iv) What are advantages & disadvantages of Scanlon plan? (v) Define group piece rate? Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. Explain different theories of wage determination in detail. Q. 3. What is bench marking? Explain advantages & disadvantages of bench marking. Q. 4. Explain different types of fringe benefits in detail. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 2 Master of Business Administration / PGDHRM Paper Code: MBAH – 106 Paper Title: Compensation System Administration Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) What are the components of compensation? (ii) What is external equity? (iii) Define fringe benefits. (iv) What is executive compensation plan? (v) Define Non-financial incentives. Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limit 500) Q. 2. Explain factors affecting wage & salary administration in details. Q. 3. Write short notes on different social security laws. Q. 4. What are incentives? Explain different type of method by which incentives can be calculated. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 1 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBAH/PGDHRM-107 Paper Title: Human Resource Planning Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) What are the differences between HRM & Personnel Management? (ii) “There are various factors affecting Human Resource Planning”. Discuss (iii) What is the basic difference between job description and job specification. Explain with examples. (iv) “HR audit is like an annual health checkup for an organization”. Justify (v) Diagrammatically show the various career stages. Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. Discuss the modern methods of performance appraisal. Q. 3. Explain the various elements and steps in career development system. Q. 4. Discuss the various steps involved in designing a training programme. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 2 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBAH/PGDHRM-107 Paper Title: Human Resource Planning Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) Discuss the benefits of promotion. (ii) What are basic contents of an induction programme? (iii) What is difference between centralized and decentralized recruitment? (iv) What are the reasons for employee attrition? (v) What are the basic forms of workers participation in management? Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. Explain the employee selection process in detail.. Q. 3. Explain the various training methods. Q. 4. Discuss the various methods of manpower demand forecasting. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 1 Master of Business Administration / PGDHRM Paper Code: MBAH – 108 Paper Title: Human Resource Development Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) Define human resource development. (ii) State the competencies required for a HRD manages. (iii) Define workforce diversity. (iv) What is HRD audit? (v) Mention the goals of HRD. Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. Explain briefly the various phases of evaluation of HRD. Q. 3. Discuss in brief the HRD system for workers. Q. 4. How HRD managers can be made globally competent? Discuss. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 2 Master of Business Administration / PGDHRM Paper Code: MBAH – 108 Paper Title: Human Resource Development Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) Distinguish between HRM and HRD. (ii) What are various functions of HRD? (iii) Name any two types of organizational change. (iv) Define HRD system. (v) What are the parameters to be audited under HRD audit? Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. What are the various challenges of HRD? Q. 3. Describe the requirement of making an effective HRD Climate. Q. 4. Highlight the role and process of HRD audit. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 1 MBA - 109 Paper Code: MBA–FM/PGDFM Paper Title: Financial Management Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (80-100 Words) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: a. What is risk? How do you distinguish between systematic and unsystematic risk? b. Define “Miller and Orr model” of cash management. c. State the features of money market. d. Define the significance of international finance management. e. State the relationship between BOP and national economy. NOTE: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 Marks. (1*5=5 Marks) (500 Words). Q.2 what do you understand by “Financial Management”? Discuss its significance in Business Management. Q.3 what is capital budgeting? Critically examine the various methods of evaluation of capital Budgeting proposals. Q.4 Define dividend policy. Explain briefly the factors which affect the dividend policy of a firm. Q.5 what is meant by inventory control? Explain the different costs associated with inventory. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 2 MBA - 109 Paper Code: MBA –FM/PGDFM Paper Title: Financial Management Last date of submission: Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (1*5=5 Marks) (50-100 Words) Q. 1. Answer all the questions. a. Differentiate “arbitration” and “speculation” in foreign exchange market. b. Define marginal cost of capital. c. Write a short note on JIT. d. What are the conditions for the redemption of redeemable preference share? e. Mention the different types of dividend paid by companies. Note: Answer all the questions. (Word limits 500) Q.6 Define cash management. Discuss in detail the factors that determine the needs cash of a firm. Q.7 what is the importance of ratio analysis to management? Explain briefly any two ratios each for measuring: i. Profitability ii. Liquidity Q.8 Write short notes on: a. Capital Redemption Reserve (CRR) b. Weighted Average cost of capital c. ABC analysis d. Economic order quantity (EOQ) We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 1 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBA - 110 Paper Title: Indian Ethos & Management Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: 1) Discuss the nature of Business ethics. 2) What is the relationship between ethics morals and values. 3) What is corporate social responsibility? Why is it important for business to act in a socially responsible manner? 4) Explain total Quality Management. 5) Briefly explain any two unethical practices in HRM Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q.2 Discuss the various employee’s employer rights and responsibilities. Q.3 Discuss the Gandhian Tradition with special reference to importance and relevance of Trusteeship principle in modern business. Q.4 Write a note on basic principles of management as per ancient Indian wisdom and insight? We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 2 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBA - 110 Paper Title: Indian Ethos & Management Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: 1 What are the Salient features of Holistic Approach for Managers in Decision Making? 2) List any four unethical practices in operations and Production management. 3) What are the external factors influencing Business environment? 4) What is the concept of Quality of Work life? 5) What do you mean by the concept of trusteeship? Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2 Discuss the relationship between law and ethics and also highlighting the Role of the Govt. of India in enforcing ethical behavior. Q.3 Explain with suitable examples the unethical issues involved in HRM & IT. Q.4 Discuss how the various values and principles stated in Bhagvad Gita can be applied by today’s organizations and managers at workplace.. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 1 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBA/PGDM– 111 Paper Title: FUNDAMENTAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) Differentiate between mini computers and mainframe computers. Give suitable examples. (ii) How RAM is different from RAM? (iii) What are the characteristics of good programming language? (iv) What do you understand by Protocols? Give examples. (v) What are Digital Signatures? Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. What are Topologies? Discuss five types of topologies with suitable diagrams. Q. 3. What is the use of Encryption? Discuss public and private key encryption methods. Q. 4. ‘Internet is widely used in business and reseach’.Justify the statement with suitable examples. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR School of Distance Education & Learning Internal Assignment No. 2 Master of Business Administration / PGDM Paper Code: MBA/PGDM– 111 Paper Title: FUNDAMENTAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15 Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100) Q. 1. Answer all the questions: (i) Mention the characteristics of Secondary storage devices. (ii) What is data transmission mode? (iii) What do you understand by computer network? Give examples of peripheral devices. (iv) What is multiplexing? (v) What do you understand by data backup? Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500) Q. 2. Write a short note on desktop publishing softwares. Q. 3. Discuss in detail the difference between system software and application software. Q. 4. What are the basic functions of an operating system? Describe various types of operating systems. We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only)

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