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CULTURE SHOCK (Transition from college to profession)
CULTURE SHOCK (Transition from college to profession)
We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only) CULTURE SHOCK (Transition from college to profession) TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Introduction 3 2. Reason of culture shock 3 3. Culture shock hinders successful transition 4 4 Culture shock and workplace 5 5. Recommendations for new graduates 6 6. Conclusion 7 7. Reference 8 1.Introduction- Culture shock is term that describes the impact of moving from familiar environment o unfamiliar environment. Alternatively, culture shock is experience that can happen with anyone; from people who traveled to one country to another to student who joined first job after completion of college. Culture shock involves the shock of new environment, meeting of new people, and learning the way of new environment. It is feeling of being separated from familiar atmosphere. It is trail period for any student, who transits from school to first position in the profession. It is obvious that student don’t come fully prepared for job. While doing a job, student usually go through turmoil of emotions and it might take really long period to adjust in new jobs and understand the real world. In the case of part time job, tenure of adjustment may take bit longer time. Furthermore, an important question pops out-‘what to do to ease the situation’. Academicians says that it is responsibility of everyone in company to make students feel conformable and support them to understand and adjust in new environment. A unique and powerful approach is required to tackle this sensitive issue because of huge cultural difference between school and work environment. (Perrin, 2009) 2.Reason of culture shock for students entering their profession- Time related issues- When a student join job first time, it is daunting task for him to go to work at every day. Classes don’t require much dedications and time to devote every weak unlike job. Therefore, there is difference in time management where student need to focus 40+ hours and try to balance life according to job responsibilities. Professionalism in Workplace-Student life allows to be experimental and little bit irresponsible in class. In college, to be unprofessional will give bad grades, but to be unprofessional at workplace will make difficult student’s survival. Deadline are much more critical at workplace rather than at college. At college, student is responsible for his actions only whereas at workplace failing to handle own responsibility can affect other employees work. Dream Job-While it is important to have vision for career, many times students don’t find their first job as dream job. It creates panic and turmoil in emotions. Some time, it takes time to understand who you are and what exactly you want from your life. Aspect of real world-Students are not prepared in college for team work, maintaining work life balance and dealing with different kind of people, networking and job hunting skills. These skills come with experience. Therefore, students feel problems to handle culture of workplace. Entry-Level Jobs-It is one of harsh realities where students get only entry-level jobs especially in bad job market. Work environment or work culture is quite different for these entry-level jobs and culture shock is not easy to juggle. Long working hours, low pay, and hard work are shocks students usually receive from first jobs. (Hossain, n.d.) Root cause of culture shock Workplace culture College culture working as a team Isolated or withdrawn Accountability Control freak Tactical awareness Hyper-vigilant Targeted aggression Anger control issues Emotional control Emotionally less stable Individual responsibility Not responsible enough Non-defensive driving Aggressive driving/behavior Discipline Difficulty dealing with conflict or ambiguity - (Gustafson, 2013) 3. Culture shock hinders successful transition In recent decades, workforce diversity increase by fast technology and development. Rapid globalization makes a basic requirement to understand the cultural diversity. Cross-communication is becoming global issues. When a student transit from college to job, he is required to understand the people of different culture and background. As a result, students’ ability to adjust with new culture suddenly becomes unavoidable. During the process of adjustment with new culture, students go through the change of emotions from happy carefree individual to sad and depressed. Culture shock is actually psychological disorientation of people who suddenly enter new entirely different environment to live and work. Health-Students may get headache and stomachache. Students might find it difficult to concentrate on work. It is noticed in students that they become more irritable or tearful in the state of culture shock and prevent them to step in their profession more positively. Stress- Changes might cause stress. Not everyone take changes positively. When students enter in workplace, they are bound to experience culture shock and often influence their performance and ability to contribute in cultural environment. These confusion and emotional discomfort create great deal of stress and hinder the productivity of student at workplace. Ability to adapt new culture- The culture shock often includes range of symptoms, although it is not necessary that every student show symptoms of culture shock. Students might feel depression, anxiety, and feeling of helpless as result of culture shock. Student may find it difficult to learn about new culture. Degree and extent of psychological depression influence student’s ability to adapt new culture negatively. Decision making- Culture shock influence students’ ability to make sound decision at work place. At this stage, students often get confuse about them and could not figure out about their career goals and vision. Hostile to host company- It is common to see that when student fail to defeat symptoms of culture shock they are likely to exhibit aggressive behavior and attitude for company that may lead spoiled interpersonal relationship with colleagues and seniors managers. (Xia, 2009) 4.Culture shock and workplace The impact of culture shock can be favorable or unfavorable depending on how student effectively adapt the new culture. Positive effect of culture shock at workplace includes rich experience of real world and strong knowledge base, whereas negative effect includes interpersonal conflicts, lost productivity, and disharmony in group task. All these conditions have strong influence on dignity of workplace. Handling cultural shocks successfully depend on individual as well as organizations leaders. With proper planning, managers can enhance favorable effect of cultural shock and enhance positive benefits of cultural shock to save the dignity of workplace. Negative aspect of cultural shock and dignity of workplace- Increased tendency of interpersonal conflict of student is negative outcome of culture shock. New environment and people have different opinions, thoughts, norms, and customs from college. When student is placed in group of people to achieve common goal that require collaboration and mutual effort. These differences in opinion and interpersonal conflict with senior employees can hinder the development of group task and organization objectives. Therefore, we can conclude that culture shock results in loss of productivity and negative emotions among employees are quite detrimental for the health of organization, Positive impact of culture shock and dignity of workplace-Culture shock happen because of new environment and workforce diversity. Culture shock increase tendency of handle culture shock at global level. It makes fresh graduate to work in global companies or companies ready for global expansion. Expansion in new countries brings similar culture shock at different level. However, if fresh graduate handle culture shock positively, he can use the information, strategies and knowledge of culture shock to handle aforementioned obstacle of global culture shock. (Martin, 2014) 5. Recommendations for new graduates • Student should try to find out mentor at workplace. Relationship doesn’t need to be formal. • Planning yearlong objective motivates student to learn new environment. List those entire things that students want to learn whether expected by employer or his own wish to learn things. • Keep a written record of all emotional turmoil. It helps to understand the situation and emotions as well. It will be motivating while adjusting in future positions. 6.Conclusion- In educational institutes, hierarchies are flat which involves student and professors, whereas workplace has complex and deep hierarchies involving managers and top management. Students get instruction written through syllabus and assignment whilst at workplace, apart from written information, attention must be paid to verbal instructions. Similarly, at college or school information is explicitly given to carry out particular task whereas many times employees are expected to carry out particular task that are not thoroughly explicit. At workplace, being fit is important for survival and in schools; there is scope for anti social behavior and to be succeed. However, culture shock is entirely normal and unavoidable. In fact, culture shock provide string platform for significant learning experience. Culture shocks give students valuable skills of handling people, networking and teamwork that will serve students in coming years. 7. Reference- 1. Hossain,, A. Making a Successful Transition from College to Career (1st ed.). New york: New York city college of technology. Retrieved from 2. What is Culture Shock?. Retrieved 29 May 2016, from 3. Martin, G. (2014). The Effects Of Cultural Diversity In The Workplace. JDM, 9(2), 89. 4. Xia, J. (2009). Analysis of Impact of Culture Shock on Individual Psychology. International Journal Of Psychological Studies, 1(2). 5. Perrin, S. (2009). Culture shock for new graduates: Making the transition from school to work. BCLA Browser: Linking The Library Landscape, 1(3). 6. Gustafson, A. (2013). Transitioning from College to Career: The 8-5 Culture Shock | Kuder.Kuder. Retrieved 29 May 2016, from 7. Schofield, S. & workplace, C. (2013). Culture Shock: Generation Y and their managers in the workplace - Millian. Retrieved 29 May 2016, from We Also Provide SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT. Contact for best and lowest cost solution or Email: Call / What’s App: +91 82907-72200 (Call/WhatsApp) or +91 88003-52777 (WhatsApp Only)

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