Amity B. Com. 2 Sem Environment Management

Amity B. Com 2nd Sem ASODL Environment Management

Q1. Explain what is industrial ecology? How can you implement the concept of industrial ecology in any organization?
Q2. How can environmental management help achieve sustainable growth?
Q3. How TQM can help in achieving targets of environmental management?
Q4. Write a note on Global Environmental Problems, and what should be the role of an individual in solving them?
Q5. What do you understand by Carbon Credits? How carbon credits can help companies increase their earnings?
Q6. What are the major issues discussed under Kyoto Protocol? What are the various mechanisms under Kyoto Protocol and which among these is of use to developing countries and how?
Q7. What do you understand by air pollution, what are the major causes of air pollution in India? Explain the initiatives taken by Indian Government in this regard for controlling the air pollution in cities?
Q8. Write short note on any three of the following.
a. Basic principles of ISO 14000.
b. Role of Environmental Audit.
c. Sustainable Development
d. Environmental Laws in India
e. Fly Ash Utilization in thermal power stations

Case Study
Read the case study given below and answer the questions given at the end.
Case Study
Economy & Ecology
The hills of Ranikhet situated in the state of Utranchal a part of Kumaun hills, have a scenic beauty and support many of the species of flora and fauna, the small rivulets and springs create a splendid environment. The forests also have some of the exotic species of flowers and a range of medicinal plants. The local community lives a simple life dependent on the tourism and the forests for the medicinal plants and other minor forest products. The biodiversity of Ranikhet is well protected from the external influences and the anthropocentric activities.
The new government plans to encourage tourism sector and related infrastructure growth aimed at economic and industrial development of the area through promoting Ranikhet as tourist destination and licensing industrial establishments in Ranikhet. Government is proposing to set up star hotels and travel agencies and granting licenses to manufacturing companies to establish their plants in Ranikhet with the special tax subsidies for period of 5 years. According to the preliminary estimates it is hoped to achieve approximately 27% increase in the earning through creating employment opportunities and improving the local economic standards. Government has invited various large organizations to participate in the projects, and everyone is looking with great expectations.
Q1. What are the implications of such projects on the ecosystem of the Ranikhet?
Q2. Do you think EIA is necessary? If yes how will you conduct the EIA for the above projects
Q3. (a) How can you use tourism to uplift the local community without disturbing the ecology of the place.
(b) Setting up of manufacturing plants to bring development is right strategy? Comment.

1. Place where an organism lives under natural condition—
2. Communities and population living together and interacting with physical and chemical elements of their environment—
3. The transfer of food and nutrition from its sources through a series of organism by way of eating and being eaten away is known as-
4. Industrial ecology-
5. Rain water harvesting is a technique to—
6. Carbon foot printing is-
7. One carbon credit is—
8. Global warming is-
9. Ozone gas is-
10. Green house effect is-
11. The Kyoto Protocol was signed—
12. EIA involves—
13. Paul Erlich equation for environmental impact, I = PxAxT where I = impact on environment and P, A and T stands for-
14. Non conventional resources of energy are—C Sources of energy which can be used again and again without getting exhausted like water energy, solar energy, wind energy etc.
15. The benefits of Environment Assessment are—
16. EMS Environment Management System can be defined as-
17. The problem arising due to construction of Dam or Reservoir is-
18. Basel convention deals with—
19. The Montreal Protocol was signed—
20. ISO 14000 deals with—
21. To facilitate participation of developing nations in Kyoto Protocol the concept of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was adopted which is—
22. Landfill is a place where—
23. Incineration is a process—
24. The two major causes of air pollution in India are—
25. Recycling of material has following benefits—
26. Minamata disease is caused by the pollution of—
27. Carbon dioxide, Methane, Chlorofluorocarbons and Nitrous Oxide represent the group:
28. Biogas is fuel generated by—
29. The harmful effect of UV rays entering earth’s atmosphere due to ozone depletion—
30. The characteristics of any ecological system is—
31. The objective of Earth Summit 1992 held in Rio de Janeiro was—
32. Agenda 21 is the document signed—
33. The major reason of environmental problems is related to population growth, the major reasons for population growth are—
34. Environmental Accounting is a process which involves—
35. Total quality management can help the company achieving its environmental targets by–
36. Environmental protection industry is the industry—
37. Photosynthesis is process—
38. The maximum store of potable water is locked in—
39. Organic agricultural products are those products—
40. Hazardous waste coming from hospital and other health service industry is known as—

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