Amity MBA 3rd Sem ASODL Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Amity MBA Assignment A
Q2. A.) What is supply chain management? What are the various flows in a supply chain?
B). what are the functions and contributions of supply chain management?
Q3A). what is meant by customer service? What are its features?
B). whatare different elements of customer service costs? Explain its fundamental trade-offs.
Q4. A). Discuss the role of information in overall performance of logistics and supply chain management.
B).Whatare various components of Logistics Information System architecture? How does LIS facilitate improvement in logistics decision making?
Q5. A).What is inventory? Discuss various elements of inventory costs.
B). Define the concept and objectives of MRP and DRP.Q6. A). Discuss the nature and scope of storage, warehouse and distribution centers.
B). Discuss the various functions of a warehouse from the logistics and supply chain perspective
Q7. A). Describe the role of transportation in the success of logistics and supply chain.
B).What are the issues that should be considered by a logistics manager in selecting a mode of transport?
Q8. A). Describe the functions of packaging in LSCM perspective.
B).What are the objectives and principles of material handling?
Amity MBA Assignment B
Case detail
Please read the case study given below and answer questions given at the end.
Case study: –
Marutiudyog Indian ethos & Japanese ways
MarutiUdyog Limited (MUL), the leading manufacturer of cars in India is a leader in Supplier relationship management. Its turnover was Rs 12,481.00 crores and its profit before tax was 1750 crore in 2005-06.It sold 5, 61,822 vehicles in 2005-06 and captured a market share of over 55 percent. It deals with about 7100 components for its eleven major models. Seventy percent of its suppliers by numbers are located within 100 km radius of its Gurgaon plant.
They meet more than 80 percent ofMaruti’s requirement by value. Maruti has 220 approved vendors who supply the major components. The top 80 Vendors supply 86% by value of their purchases. The rest of the vendors supplies only 14%. It has also signed joint ventures with a large number of its vendors. Of the 86% components supplied by vendors, joint ventures supply only 34%; the rest of the 52% by value is supplied by other vendors. These 80 vendors are rest of the vendors Supplies only 14%. It has also joint venture supply considered strategic partners.
Only 20 to 30 of them are Maruti joint ventures. With strategic partners, Maruti has a Number of programmes. Their emphasis is on vendor productivity and quality. MarutiTake a major role in improving vendor productivity. It organizes Junkai VA or cost Workshops with its vendors on an ongoing basis. Junkai is a Japanese word which basically means “visiting”.
It has 3 components called three G- Genmab, Gembutsu, and Genjitsu. Maruti also has constituted a group called maruti center for excellence. This is a team this continuously goes to suppliers to upgrade them. It audits the working of its Suppliers and comes out with a spider chart. The spider chart has 22 points. Each Vendor is evaluated in these 22 points. Additional business is promised on the next new model to vendors who score over 60% on the spider chart. Every vendor really tries to make sure that he goes above this mark.
Apart from this, it has also started second tier improvements in a very big way. This was the latest initiative it took up a year ago. The result has been that the second tier Vendor’s quality has also gone up. It has also started ‘green initiatives’. Accordingly, all packing has been converted into reusable packing. It recently introduced a practice to check the pollution levels of all the trucks getting into maruti; if pollution Levels Were not right, then the trucks were sent back. This made its vendors understand that maruti cared about the environment. Further, it follows the kaizen theme, which means to make it smaller, fewer, lighter, shorter, and beautiful. It follows this theme in its plant and has been continually teaching this practice to its vendors. It conserve the usage of Material and yield improvement. More ever along with CII and USAID, it has started a programme to help its suppliers get ISO 14000 certification. It has also started a Programme on ELV compliance. Though this is not required in India the idea is that by the time the requirement comes to India, maruti’s vendors will all be sufficiently equipped to take care of it. It also has a vendor finance cost reduction programme.
It has lined up with banks to see that the loans of its suppliers are transferred to Lower interest leaner. In 2005-2006, maruti trained around 16 vendors and ultimately the savings of man hours per day came to 1580 man hours , which has resulted in a Savings of over one crore rupees per annum. It was able to reduce component costs by 29% on the alto alone from 2001 to 2005.
Please give your answer in at least 25 words and press save and continue button.
Q .1) what is supplier relationship management?
Q .2) what was Maruti’s objective on supplier relationship? Discuss the kind of relation.
Q .3) what are the methods adopted by maruti to achieve supplier relationship?

Amity MBA Assignment C
Q .1) which of the following is not a characteristics of logistics
A it ensures a smooth flow of all types of goods
B it has the ability to meet customer expectations and requirement
C it has the ability to meet customer expectations and requirement
D it deals with movement and storage of goods in appropriate quantities.
Q .2) All of the following are the objectives of logistics except
A To make available the right quantity of material at right quality at right time,at the right place in right condition at
B To offer best possible customer service for competitive advantage
C To promote the product through the logistic channels
DTo minimize total logistics costs

Q .3) The logistics costs in India is ___ percentage of GDP
A 20%
B 13%
C 1 8%
D 7%

Q .4) Which of the following does not provide a way to create competitive advantage
A. low cost
B. low flexibility
C Superior customer services
D.Value added services
Q .5) All of the following are primary activities in a value chain except
A.inbound logistics
B. operation technology
C. development
D. services
Q .6) Which of the following is not a desired flow in a supply chain
A.Forward flow of value
B. Flow of goods in both the directions
C.Backward flow of cash
D.Flow of information in both the directions
Q .7) Which of the following is not a feature of customer service
A It is reactive process
B Ensures a trade-off between cost and service
C Creates a competitive advantage
D Brings about harmonious relationship with supply chain members
Q .8) All of the following are post transactional customer service elements except
A Installation, warranty, repairs, etc
B Customer claims, complaints and returns
C Stock out level
D Temporary replacement of products
Q .9) Freight charges depends on all of the following except
A Nature of the product
B value of the product
C distance to be covered
D Volume/quantity to be shipped
Q .10) Carrier performance measures does not include
A speed
B claim settlement ratio
C area of ware house owned
D frequency
Q .11) Physical distribution in terms of logistics is known as
A inbound logistics
B outbound logistics
C in plant logistics
D reverse logistics
Q .12) Which of the following is not a feature of supply chain
A Supply chain is a network of entities
B The more the number of stages in a supply chain the more will be its complexity
C Supply chain efficiency and effectiveness are the same
D Supply chain profit should be shared equitably by all the chain members
Q .13) Supply chain conflicts can be reduced by all of the following except
A Use of power by the dominant partner
B Involvement by investment
C information sharing
D Transfer of technology and skills
Q .14) Which of the following is not a key output of the logistics system
A Creating Competitive advantage
B Time & Place utility
C creating proprietary asset
D increased cash flow
Q .15) Logistics stand for
A Whatever is logical and reasonable
B Movement of materials to destinations
C Putting together conclusions logically
D Moving, supplying and warehousing materials and information in an enterprise
Q .16) Supply Chain Management covers
A Management of suppliers and vendors
B management of inventories, warehousing , transportation and documentation
relating to all suppliers
C Management of demand and supplies at minimum cost but greater customer satisfaction
D Warehousing management
Q .17) Transportation management is
AA small and significant part of SCM
B Too specialized and should be managed separately
C Does not affect customer service
D Forms a major component of costs and should be synchronized to enhance customer
Q .18) A fourth party logistics provider is
A An organization that provides transportation
B An organization that provides warehousing facility
C An organization that manages inventory and information
D An organization that provides comprehensive supply chain solution
Q .19) Which of the following does not fit into the features of customer service
A Providing customer service at any cost
B Strategic processes that provides value added services
C Creates competitive advantage in the market place
D it reflect corporate vision.
Q .20) The internal web of an organization that allows only the internal users to access
and share data is called
A Intranet
C extranet
D internet
Q .21) Which of the following is not an inventory related cost
A Receivables
B Ordering cost
C Carrying cost
D stock –out cost
Q .22) Which of the following is not an assumption of basic EOQ model
A Annual demand, carrying cost and ordering cost can be estimated and is constant
B Half of order quantity is considered as safety stock
C Stock out has no effect
D Quantity discounts does not exist
Q .23) Inventory analysis based on the annual consumption value is called
A ABC analyses
B VED analysis
C FSN analysis
D XYZ analysis
Q .24) All are inputs to MRP system except
A Bill of materials
B Inventory status file
C Master production schedule
D ABC analysis file
Q .25) All are features of Distribution Resources Planning except
A DRP Deals with finished goods inventory
B DRP operates in an independent demand situation
C DRP is an explosion process
D Inputs to DRP is the distribution networks
Q .26) Which of the following is not associated with JIT system
A Waste elimination
B mass production
C single piece flow
D pull system
Q .27) All are economic function of warehouse except
A stock piling
B receiving
C breaking bulk
D consolidation
Q .28) The charges levied by a municipal corporation
A sales tax
C octopi
D excise
Q .29) Mode of economic surface transportation for bulk solid material over a long
distance is
A rail
B road
C ropeways
D conveyors
Q .30) Intermodal transportation system arising out of the coordination between
roadways and railways is known as
A piggyback
B fishy back
D express cargo
Q .31) All are principles of material handling except
A first principal
B Mechanization principle
C flexibility principal
D energy principal
Q .32) Which of the following is not true for Air Way Bill
A Receipt of goods
B Contract for affreightment
C Negotiable document
D Issued by carrier
Q .33) Which of the following is not a carrier selection determinant
A transportation cost
B transit time
C reliability
D Vehicle cost
Q .34) A bonded warehouse is:
A An open stockyard with high walls and other security measures for extra protection
of goods stored
B A warehouse in the premises of airport where goods imported by air are kept
C A warehouse where goods on which customs or excise duties have not been paid
are kept
D A government warehouse used for storing confiscated goods
Q .35) LCL stands for
A Less than normal Cargo Load
B Less than Container Load
C Low Cargo Load
D Less Costlier Load
Q .36) Penalty charged by a carrier for not clearing a consignment from their
warehouse during the allowable time limit is known as
A damage
B demurrage
C Liquidated damages
D panal charges
Q .37) Certificate of origin is issued by
A Bank in the exporting country
B Manufacturer
C Chamber of commerce
D the carrier
Q .38) Which of the following is not an advantage of containerization
A Reduces damages
B Increases investment on handling
C Reduces packaging
D reduce loss
Q .39) All are related to bullwhip effect except
A It is the amplification of demand variation as one moves upstream in the supply chain
B Forecast errors and lead-time variability add to bullwhip effect
C The phenomena was first noted by Wal-Mart
D The effect can be reduced by information sharing, vendor managed inventory, etc.
Q.40) All are functions of order processing except
Aorder planning
B order handling
Corder delivery
D order pending
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